Thursday, December 14, 2006

A Word About Auditors Reports:

An Auditor's Report is not the same as a Full Audit. It is a superficial review of accounting practices and a check of the summary of accounts and the final report. It would not find for example where the money went when Steve Berry "Bought" the Used Ford from the City as the story is told by Tom Schwab. Nor would it investigate if there was a public hearing prior to the sale or transfer of ownership of an asset.

That would be a Forensic Audit, and that friends is a Different Audit all together. It is done down to the last cent in and last cent out, including a test of not only how the money was brought into the funds available, the the spending of those funds and the procedure used in the management of the process including related contracting procedure review. That is the type of audit that would tell you IF the Car was Paid for Where did the money go? Or what were the cost items paid for with over 3 million paid to CFBH and what are we continuing to pay for, and is this in accordance to the contractual agreement approved by the Council or is is out of the Contractual Scope of the Council Approve Contract and Agreement?

These are just two examples of what won't show up in an Auditor's Report. So don't be over satisfied that an Auditors Report was made and it had no Exceptions. Don't get to secure with a false representation that if the Auditor's Report is OK. There is No Fraud... or No Problem. I am sure ENRON had several years of Good Audit Reports. As a Matter of fact a company going broke can have a "Good Audit Report".

Just thought you should know.