Thursday, December 28, 2006

Thanks for all your help and support last year.
I'll probably need it next year too.

Have a good week end.

Tell everyone on the blog thanks for all their support and happy new year.


Dear Jo:

Jo, hats of to you for standing up for what is right. None of us can know of the stress you have been under for now close to 2 full years.

I am ashamed that the town I live in has treated you and the other citizens as it has. I fear that there may be a cause of a class action suit for the cummulative effects of the stress effect on the health and lives of the targets of the City's Actions. The blog's voice is a cummulative effort and from more than one point of view. All are appreciative that you held to your rights to have the power over the private use of your property. All hope you are restored to full rights in the near future. For your rights are my rights. We get the point of the importance of your struggle.

To all readers: I'll post any such concerns and issues that are cogent, just email the data...

Be safe this weekend. Drive Slow... in Town... Reduce your speed to 35 mph on MT. Vernon and Barton RD... and 20 on the side streets. Collective Slow Down Strike. Perhaps Folks will stay on the Freeway if Barton Rd is not "Faster".
