Saturday, December 16, 2006

FUNS and FUNDS: For Medical Treatment

Grand Terrace Citizens are banning together to help Kyle Bacon aquire sufficient funds for a Cancer Treatment not Covered by Insurance Coverage. Kyle age 15 takes long naps in his Grand Terrace home while trying to save energy and continue the fight against the cancer which started as a brain tumor and now has spread to other parts of his body. He has had 10 surgeries, radiation yet tumors continue to grow.

Funds for Kyle's treatment will be spent to pay for a treatment which uses harvested white blood sells from Kyle's own blood, and a protein extracted from near the tumor itself. It is hoped this will slow his cancer by causing his own body to respond to the cancer's invasion. Please contribute what you can, so that Kyle may know that every effort was made. Including a treatment his parents feel represent his best hope.

Thank You,