Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fax about Not so Fun Facts about Grand Terrace

The item to the right has been faxed around town. It details some of the issues that remain unresolved or un-reversed lingering from the post Schwab/Berry Administration.

It is clear that if Schwab or his allies were elected to the City Council it is unlikely that these issues will be resolved and reversed appropriately. Mr. Wilson says in his own words "He is not a reformer".

So Voters it is up to you. Support those who what to get to the bottom of the barrel, and clean it out, or those who will just pile more on top of rotten fruit of the past.

Mr. Schwab's use of RDA funds as City Funds as blatantly as he did one could argue he felt these funds were "Fungible" and thus he used RDA and City Funds for his own benefit when he accepted a home from the City. Some of that house money could have been used for other City or RDA uses.