Sunday, August 29, 2010

Schwab/Berry Baby Bell Issue PERS / Retirement

Income or Reimbursed Expenses. Try to reconcile this Mr. Schwab: The Council was a member of P.E.R.S. during part of your "Administration/Management", and it was discontinued for some time. (A former staff member made public statements that it's discontinuance was an unintended over sight when a policy and procedure manual was updated.) Steve Berry re-instated it and gave Council members Garica and Cortes each a fifteen year credit. This had to cost the taxpayers thousands upon thousands of dollars.

Did not Cortes abstain from the vote to remove Berry from the consideration list for City Manager. She was also one of the louder defenders of Berry. Just about the same time PERS was on the Agenda?

Mr Schwab where were you to say how can you pay Public Employee Retirement System when the "Stipend" is payment or reimbursement for Expenses and not INCOME?

The IRS (Federal) and the Franchise Tax Board (State) look to both "Employee" and the "Employer" to file true and factual tax information. The Cities Practices which you turned over to Berry of not paying taxes, and then on and off with the PERS payments all should lay on your competence and professionalism. Will the Council Members who will be audited for the past years be able to recover the fines and interest owed from YOU or the CITY?

Berry some how discovered the "NEED" to pay the PERS at a time he was in power to do so and he needed the allegiance of Cortes and Garcia in his battle for the City Manager position. Did he effectively buy their votes, by taking care of this "Oversight" of your past management? Or are the contributions to PERS inappropriate and Council Members should not be considered participants for PERS?