Friday, August 27, 2010

Schwab Says:

Bea Cortes is the least prepared Council Person he has worked with according to Former City Manager Tom Schwab. Of course he never said such a thing while he was giving her Staff Recommendations to approve. Could he be running against her because he is mad she supported Steve Berry for the City Manager's Position to the extent that her over zealous support ruined any hopes of either Berry or Schwab getting the position.

Tom Schwab's comments about Walt Stanckiewitz almost sounded like Bea Cortes may have written some of them. Half rant, half complaint, and heavy dose of ego. Schwab is clueless why Walt doesn't roll over like a happy puppy and just wag his tail in love and appreciation for all that Schwab is. After all isn't it proof of how good Schwab is that Walt moved to GT. The ego of Schwab to think that anyone moves to a city because of its city manager is "Likable" or even efficient. Schwab saying he can work with Walt, but isn't sure Walt can work with him again demonstrates that Schwab has an over blown ego and will be defensive every time a problem created during the Schwab tenure as City Manager comes up to be resolved.

Schwab attempts to paint Stanckiewitz as being out of line with his questioning of Schwab's past management of the city's RDA and City. Oh the list supporting the reasons for that dislike, and distrust is much longer than this post. All I can say if you want to read what Mr. Schwab thinks of himself, pick up a San Bernardino County Sentinel or ask for it to be emailed to you.

One thing is clear, Schwab thinks he was right in how he managed the city for 24 years, and he wants to continue to participate in the covering up of what transpired while he collected an excessive income and benefits package and now retirement.

His proposal to pass a tax or some funding scheme to provide Paramedic Services at a time when our local economy is hurting, and most cities are cutting back on such services, and when the City is having to find ways to correct the financial problems he left behind, he has the old reliable smoke and mirrors type of sales job. Vote for me... I'll get you additional services that the city can't pay for. Oh and never mind about the house, or cars, or retirement, he "negotiated" for himself while hardly paying a living wage to Child Care Staff.

Sure he wants to go to a 5 day work week for the city offices. Where is he going to get the money? Is he going to pay for the day? He is getting quite a bundle at taxpayers expense, he may be able to afford that and not receive a stipend for council work.

It is time that some one that was in that House Negotiation and Contract Change provides the real record as to who approached the City Council with the idea that Schwab needed a house, and a do over on his contract to protect his assets.