Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Park and Ride Pros and Cons

Making a Park and Ride on Jacobsen/Schwab's con game regarding the Town Center is not even making lemon aid out of lemons.

The people and businesses removed because of the Schwab/Jacobsen Grand Plan or Scheme represent a loss of economic resources to the community. These folks spent money in GT, paid property taxes in GT and yes their big yards and trees cleaned the air in GT. So does 50,000 a year off set those losses caused by Schwab and Jacobsen... NO

A park and ride will effectively be "Public" and thus not taxed. Jacobsen will not have to pay taxes on the property in his name, the RDA does not have to pay taxes.

Who will use the "Park and Ride"? What commuter connections will be picking up passengers in GT. RTA routes will not pick up in GT. There is no Metro Link. The park and ride near Market Street in Riverside is often empty because of this very reason.

No this is just a way for Jacobsen to have his parking lot and not have to pay taxes on the land he and Schwab FORCED people off of.

I'd support a park and ride if the land was somehow designated as being "State" not GT property and that the RTA 215 or the RTA 149 could pick up people along the freeway. I do not support a park and ride that would just increase traffic during morning commute and school hours.

I can see that it would be a slight boost to fast food sales as commuters pick up dinner on the way home from work. IF they actually come to park at the park and ride. Oh will big trucks be allowed to park at the park and ride? Will there be public restrooms, trash cans to be emptied?

Nope. This mitigation is only going to benefit the Jacobsen pocket book. Say no to a Park and Ride on this RDA / Jacobsen property. We don't have sufficient police to secure additional long term parking of cars.