Tuesday, January 23, 2007

From the Email InBox: Fireworks:

From the Email InBox:

The Danger

A pretty sparkler burns at a whopping 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s not a safe toy to put in a child’s hand, or an adult’s. No firework is. Fireworks are unpredictable. They spit hot sulfur and can unexpectedly explode. They can burn limbs and ruin lives, and there’s nothing cool about that.

The Consequences Should BE:

Light any fireworks, in Long Beach and you may spend six months in jail, pay a $1,000 fine, or both. Have in your car, or house, or possession in any way a such a device Safe and Sane or Insane and Illegal you are fined $1000.00 and the items confiscated.


This July, a dazzling firework displays (controlled by the hands of professionals who specialize in pyrotechnics) will be held throughout the IE. OR a COLD WATER MELLON and Deck Chairs on the Cliff/Bluff and some Viewing Glasses and you'll see several shows all from one place. Perhaps the Sports Teams could sell cold drinks, Ice Cream, to the Viewing Public as one alternative activity?

How many arrests were made? Fines Collected? Calls reporting Launch of Rocket type Fireworks? Why are Noise Calls not resulting in arrests on that Nights?

From the Email InBox:

Mr. Schwab made an interesting comment on the Fireworks. He said the Sheriff's Office uses the bomb basket to transport and dispose of confiscated fireworks. I made the following comment to the Dep. Chief that spoke against the sale of fireworks and he agreed with me. The clap board lean to that fireworks are sold out of do not afford any protection to the public. Technically the fireworks company is dragging a big bomb into the center of town. The Dep. Chief said the Sheriff's bomb squad is not stupid. What happens if there is an accident. I remember some years ago when a Rialto Fireworks manufacturer had a spark that ended up killing people. You think they would allow the fireworks shed to be placed at City Hall this year. Bill Hays

From the Email InBox:

Dear Gramps,

Some of the City Council Members outweighed the safety of the citizens of Grand Terrace, because they are concerned how youth sports teams will generate funding. Bea Cortes had some solutions for this, but nobody wanted to hear them - especially the part about the city waiving fees for the lighting and maintenance of the fields. The City Council also heard from a fire offical who had a lot of information on why fireworks should be banned, but it fell on three sets of deaf ears.

After they voted to keep the fireworks - one of the next items on the agenda was selecting a firm for a new website design. Only one firm had a representative, there were no other alternatives to this firm were mentioned - this was staff recommended and of course approved. I have no problem with the website being revamped, it's long overdue, the point is - the city spends thousands of dollars on website design, but won't waive the lighting and maintenance fees for our youth sports teams. The city is planning on spending $80,000.00 to $100,000 on a pocket park that is basically unusable, but they won't waive the lighting and maintenance fees for our youth sports teams.

Gramps you can print this if you want - but leave my name off. This city sucks.

From the Email InBox:

Well, Gramps all speculation that your the new voice on the City Counicl is less likely. The New Voice on Council showed flawed logic that you do not demonstrate even when your wrong.

The New Voice's Motion on the Fireworks Agenda Item: was to Accept the Recommendation of the Fireworks Committee, with Modifications. That is a flawed motion to begin with. His changes that were accepted by 3 of 5 of the Council Members. Accepting the Recommendation means accepting it. Now the Ordinance will have to come before the Council for the inclusion of the Conditions"

He then added, that "IF the Sports Teams don't move toward financial Independence from Fireworks Sales in a year's time his vote may be different".

So is he saying, he was going to be a go along guy for the first time around, and I don't want to upset the status quo, but I don't like fireworks as a means to earn money for the funding of the youth sports or law enforcement for the need to pay for needed enforcement efforts. But, this year he'll allow it go go forward.

No Gramps, you aren't that wishywashy...

Fireworks are bad this year and will be next year. Envorcement/Legal & Non Legal Issues will be same this year as next year. So the several conflicted statements in the tap dance around the subject.

Now that the Council benefits and funds itself and law enforcement with the Sale of Fireworks if your house is burned with fireworks as part of the ORDINANCE we a CITY have added Liability and Obligation to Pay for Damage and Harm to Homes, Property and Person.

Should the Ordinance Change and Codify the City's Liability for Damages as the City is a Direct Beneficiary of the Sale and Funds Raised by the Fireworks Sale.

Gramps you would not have taken such a stance unless you thought that this would be come an issue at the writing and reading of the Revised Fireworks Ordinance. Not Unless you expected the other Lawyer to Advise the Council that the Motion would in effect cause the Ordinance to be in need of a revision, and back infront of the Council and Public. Was that the plan?

It takes 4 years to set out the Message No Fireworks in a town. Yes, It is better to have parents who will buy illegal fireworks "HIDE" their violations in the back yard and tell their kids we have to be quiet we are breaking the law... than have curb to curb drunken wild use in abandonment.

Yes, All fireworks should be criminalized, it seems the new ears and the old ears on the City Council missed the repeated statement, yes there will be fireworks, even if there is a Ban of All Fireworks, but it will be easier to enforce the Ban of All Fireworks. The Citizen's Patroll can do a steak out and identify where the violations are. OH heck, pay the Socker Players and Parents to report violations, turn the Dealers into Enforcers.

The trade of a 8,000.00 increase in City's Safety Enforcement Funds for the possible Risk of a house, apartment, or other property damage the City Council has now obligated itself as being willing to assume the collective risk for demonstrates a lack of judgement. The need for this expence is inpart due to the 10 year old inclusion of fireworks, allowed by the City Council and the City should take the financial responcibility of finding the resources to combat this disturbance.

To recount the finances. The City will Pay 4,000.00, the Fireworks Sales People will Pay 2,000.00, and the Sports Teams will pay 2,000.00 so that the sports teams will earn 16,000.00 to pay the City for Lights and Park Use Fees, while putting at risk life limb and property of the population. The New Voice also said that while allowing this for this up comming year, the teams are required to plan on alternative funding so that the need for funding is not existant "Next Year".

"Next Year", the practice will be ingrained one more year, the non resident visitors will increase, the risk will be taken, and who will begin to fund the law enforcement that will continue beyond the cut off date. Now that the City is benefiting from the sale, will it be the city's booth for law enforcement as a justification in the future?

Sorry, to test you this way... but come on what is happening here will end up in smoke.

Thank you Members on the Council who had the GUTS to Vote to Protect the Citizens and Property of Grand Terrace and surrounding communities.