Friday, January 26, 2007

From the Email InBox: Not Public Library and AES

Dear Gramps:

If the City of Grand Terrace and the County of San Bernardino and the County Library System feels that it is appropriate to exclude citizens from the Library because they are attempting to meticulously look into documents on display there regarding the AES Highgrove/Grand Terrace Power Plant Proposal, I want the funding of that Branch Library to Stop and the Library Closed and the Staff Transferred or Fired.

The Library Branch in Grand Terrace is supposed to be a PUBLIC LIBRARY BRANCH and the people meeting there for the purpose of reviewing the documents are as much as the Public as the BITCHES and STITCHES, THE PUG READING DOG, or the ADULT BOOK Reading Club, or the SCRAP BOOK CLUB. DO these GROUPS pay INSURANCE? Are they using materials which are on Display as result of City Council Request to a State of California Regulatory Department?

The Library Branch in Grand Terrace competes with Used Book Store in Town, as they sell old books. The Library Branch in Grand Terrace competes with Hollywood Video and BlockBuster Video. The Library is not a place where the Friends of the Council or the Anonymous have special rights over the Civilly Active Members of the Community. No... if the Librarians actions were appropriate by any standard, than there should be no room in Grand Terrace for a Library that is Managed in such a way.

I don't want another dime of tax money spent on providing this "Service" to the Community.

Let the Bitches and Stitches and the Adult Book Club, and Scrap Booking Groups Meet in the Homes of their Members, or at a Restaurant.

Let the Reading Pug meet with kids in the Park or at School where more will fit in the reading circle.

Let the Business in town rent Videos and sell Used Books.

It is time for this farce of a Private Service, Feather in the Political Cap "Library" and its rude Librarian to Be Removed from Grand Terrace. OR, the County Needs to Retrain perhaps even Rotate the Librarian so that this favoritism in providing services is interrupted.

Now for those who have interest in AES Documents.

The Documents are available on line and can be printed directly from the above link.

I know for some it is easier to read a hard copy which has been deposited as part of the Required Regulations for informing the Public. But, If you have an index, and you know your area of interest you may find it easier to read it on line... and print the pages you are interested in.

I want a refund of the Block Grant, and City Funds paid to the support of the Library. Let the people who are "Allowed to use the Library" pay for their use. I'd rather see universal wireless web available to all citizens than have a Library run like this.

From the Email InBox: & Reply Sent

Brian Reinarz wrote:

This is in response to the previous vulgarity-laced rant regarding the library and those who support such behavior. As usual, this is an example of our small group who doesn't like to be told no, but who's members and supporters don't possess the courage to attach a name to their rants. So you've been told that you can't meet in the library. SO WHAT!!! DEAL WITH IT!!! Just for once, be an adult and accept something. Try this, "OK, we'll find somewhere else to meet..thank you." If you cared even a little bit about this town, you'd stop being so negative and destructive all the time. I have found the library staff to be extremely helpful and friendly on all occasions. I would expect the librarian (not liberian...try spell check) to be firm, considering the way her staff has been treated by this small group of residents; and you know who you are! This is the same way you treat the city counter staff, and anyone else who doesn't tell you what you want to hear. If I worked at either place, I'd have you arrested the moment you began causing one of your characteristic disturbances of the peace....after I verbally shamed you in public. I would probably be fired, but it would be worth it. No person should ever be required to deal with your rudeness, vulgarity, and self-important attitudes. Its really getting old and we're all sick of it. I believe the law says that these public documents must be available during business hours. Having them in the library was simply so they could be more conveniently accessed by the public. your actions, access has to be limited for those who actually may want to review these documents out of true curiosity.

In closing: I'd like to thank the library and city staff for the wonderful job that they do each and every day and remember; these types of people DO NOT represent Grand Terrace residents. They may live here, but they do not represent how most of us feel. SO...keep on smiling and always know that we wholeheartedly support you and your decision.


Reply Sent to Brian:

Please quote the vulgarity you refer to prior to my posting this...

The Name of the Sewing Group is what they named themselves... if that is your point of issue then I suggest you speak to the appropriateness of Groups that name themselves with offensive words...

Perhaps you were unaware that the name of the Quilters who Meet at GT Library is the Bitches and Stitches.. or Stitches and Bitches. They picked the name... It is In the Blue Mt. Outlook, and In the Grand Terrace City News... If that name is the vulgarity than I suggest you take it up with them.

The only other possible Vulgarity is the ADULT BOOK CLUB... and that is a sign on the South Side of the Library/City Hall and is in print in the news papers.

Perhaps you may want to redress your post prior to my posting it.

Liberian is a word and the spell check did not catch it when they checked it... I made the change, Gramps.

From the Email InBox: A Reply to Brian:

Dear Brian:

You don’t address the issue of use of the Library. The AES Documents were placed in the library for Public Access at the Request of the City Council. The “Group” who you obviously know who they are so they don’t need to be named, had an index list of things to look at. The Librarian drew the conclusion that these people were about to have a meeting because there was a working list. The Offending List was a way to divide the work so that it could proceed quietly, amongst the Chess Playing going on at the same time.

Yes, many of us in the community respect the work concerned citizens have done. Including the law suits that have been responsible for saving the citizens 18, that is 18 Million in infrastructure costs not included in the Plan they approved for the now dead OAC. Remember how many times that had no merit? I want these people to crawl all over the Library, and City Hall. I don’t mind paying Raymond Johnson $32,000.00 to save 18 Million. How much did the City Spend to try to Prove Mr. Schwab did was right and cause a debt of 18 Million Dollars?

I am sure that if there was cause for an arrest the Sheriff would have been called, and of course in a 5 minute response time they would have been given a citation for …. being annoying, investigation of government activity, for being annoyed and perhaps cranky after being given the royal rude and run around treatment… What is the arrest code for that..? I am sure you would know it. You are an officer of the court, and a citizen you can issue a citizen’s arrest should you be witness to the offence you feel would justify an arrest or citation. Go for it.

The Post about the Library was about the Public Nature of the Library, and that the Librarian should accommodate the use of the Library by ALL Individuals and Groups. The Library Should not be in competition with the video store, or used book store, or even be a place that puts study of Government Documents ahead of Chess Playing, Sewing and Knitting and Scrap Booking. You failed to address the issue of Public Use of Materials in the Library, and the Public use of the Library. The Names of the Groups, well you can as Gramps said, take that up with them.

You were not there. You dance around the issues being raised with your typical name calling and attempts to belittle people who investigate and prove their cases by collecting information in support of their opinions. Your admonishments are hollow as they lack facts and documented action or facts … ah that would be evidence.

The funny part is, the City Council is not pleased with the idea of AES opening near the HS#3, you would think that they would welcome the extra eyes on the project. That is why they asked for the AES Documents to be made available in GT and put them in the Library. It is not like the folks were looking at the Blue Mt. Senior Villa’s, or the Town Center, or the Essco, or the Blue Mt. Retail Center, or the High School projects and documents.

More from the Email InBox: Re Brian's Post

If memory serves Brian allows no response to his blather. His reaction to a Citizen wanting to view public records that the State has placed there, who by they way is his employer, perhaps he should take his mindless rant to his employer and tell them to stop producing public records. Someone might want to see them and he does not agree with that. Again, Brian, who wants people to think he is actually law enforcement and not a lab tech lashes out at those that think the law should be followed. Perhaps he should use his influence with the State and have Grand Terrace declared a public record free zone. All they do is give people evidence that the City does not follow the law. For someone that is supposed to analyze evidence why is he so against anyone looking at it? Birds of a feather. So now only the people he determines may look at public records. How simple minded can one be. For his information these where first timers at the library to look at the AES records save one that was asked to help them in what will that will affect the area where they live, as well as all of Grand Terrace. Minor consideration when your the smartest guy in town. I have not met one person that reads his website nor has even heard of it. I guess all these people he has claimed that agree with everything he says, published on the G.T. News site, must be his small group. Had I not heard from many about this website I would have never heard of Brians. I went on once and found it to be one mans opinion with no factual base and when requested to provide documentation he couldn't or wouldn't. There are none so blind as those who will not see. He reminds me of the school yard bully that wants to justify everything he does because it's HIM and he knows better than anyone that has years of research and documentation. I don"t care, if I say it, it must be true type. I would bet this is a guy that know everything about everything and will tell you even if you don't want to hear it. He won't even look at any documents so until he does and starts putting documents on his little web page that prove everyone wrong he ought to clam up. The folks that have gone to the trouble to educate themselves and there are many, who have lived here much longer than Brian and all the Council members and their circle of friends and will be here after he's gone, feel he needs to shut up or show evidence that the Courts are wrong, the lawyers are wrong and everyone but his wives employer and he are wrong. He won't. He can't.He'll keep blab blabing on his web page that only he reads. Why is ignorance so often mistaken for intelligence and then the person that thinks he is the most intelligent always proves just the opposite and doesn't get that he is showing he is clueless about any subject he speaks to.

Reply From Brian:

Just so we're absolutely clear. My post had nothing to do with the fact that people were at the library to review records. I also don't believe that I'm in favor of the AES plant. The point of my post was the angry response to the librarian telling you that you can't meet there. She's not rude. I'm all for public record access, and for people watching government. You've all gone far beyond that though. You've gone into the realm of just hating everybody and everything and it shows in the way you treat people. You've lost all credibility on the issues because of your constant opposition to EVERYTHING. Also your mis-characterization ..again...of me as a lab tech exposes your ignorance yet again. You have no idea what I do, and your attempted connection of my opposition to you, with my job performance shines a light on who you really are. Its typical that when one is not able to defend one's position; one initiates a personal attack. It is your group who doesn't accept facts and truth. Everything you do is tainted...colored by your hatred for this city government and everybody who disagrees with you. I have no doubt that, at some point, you used to care. Now you're just out for revenge; for what, I have no idea. I have no problem with opposition. I resist pressure to conform each and every day of my life. Responsible opposition is what we need; not the negativity and hatred that we currently have in Grand Terrace. And remember, I have no agenda here. I don't know the city council members, ( I haven't met any one of them more than 2-3 times, and have never even met 3 of them). Hilkey was my favorite and I was sorry to see him go. I've only met Tom Schwab twice and have NEVER spoken to him beyond "hello." My wife is a part-time clerk at the city who has no interaction with the council or Schwab, so that's not it. I simply oppose the opposition because I see the hatred and poor behavior, and its destructive to this city. Plain and simple. What's your agenda? Please educate me.


Reply to Brian:

In the Group of Citizens Ejected from the Library there was only ONE of EIGHT that would considered part of"The Group", you hold in contempt. That person was assisting the others find the documents they were interested in. The rest are people that live west of Michigan and will be in the bombing range pf the Peaker Plant. They have never appeared at a Council meeting or any type of civic function. They are not any part of any group. They are neighbors that are concerned that the City is not doing anything to protect them or their homes. Then to be kicked put of the library embarrassed them.

The Post that started this back and forth was written by a person responding to the PUBLIC LIBRARY limiting access to PUBLIC SPACE and PUBLIC DOCUMENTS, the flawed use of “You have to have insurance to “meet here” when that is not the policy or practice for others, and the ill treatment observed directed toward the entire group of people ejected. You suggested they should be arrested. Your association with law enforcement may have caused the reply and associations of the following reply.

I was there at the Library Event, the Librarian was Out of Line. I don't recall you being there in the room at the time of the event. To say that was an appropriate action on her part or the function of a Public Library is interesting when you were not there. Shame on you for suggesting using the library is a Destructive Act to the City. I don’t want to pay for a Public Library that is managed this way. I’d rather there be wireless internet for the entire city and be done with it.

I even directed the AES folk to the proper web site for viewing the documents.

Your welcome to oppose “the opposition” but one would hope your opposition to opposition was based on more than a perception of them having hate or poor behavior. That is a subjective evaluation. Others might see Frustration not Hate, Steadfastness, Determination, Persistence, Courage and Constructive Critical Evaluation of Governmental Actions. These are not reasons to be arrested as you suggest. The Agenda, Brian, is to insure that the Government Actions in Grand Terrace are in the Best Interest of the Community, and are done in accordance to the laws and regulations that are imposed upon us all. Those actions be they from the City, County, State, or Federal Government are or should be evaluated by any citizen who is interested in looking into the detail of a plan or action. The Agenda of the first post is to Close the Library if it is to be managed in such a way to exclude Citizens from looking at Government Documents which have been put there for evaluation, not simply display.

What is your agenda? Do you Oppose those who Oppose, who Oppose that which is Opposed…in Opposition of the Opposition?

From the Email InBox:

After reading again Brians point of view. Why doesn't he just send the documents that prove he is right and all those he criticizes wrong? He could then give some credibility to whatever he has to say. He may have to go to the library to find them if they exist and it would be best if he went alone so not to incur the expense of special insurance. In his own words he says he speaks for Grand Terrace residents and berates those that he says that do not put their names here. Every document I have seen here is City or State generated. It has been reported here more than once the City will not comply with the Open Records Act and allow citizens access to documents that by law they have a right to see. Perhaps that would be a cause he could address when he posts his documentation. Since he represents so many and is so concerned with names, why does he not put a list on this website of the names he claims to represent.

From Email InBox: Close from Brian:

You are absolutely correct on this one. If a group called "Bitches and Stitches" is publicly using, and posting flyers, in or near a public facility where children gather; it must be stopped. Who would allow such garbage in a city library? See, I am able to publicly condemn what I feel is wrong. Feel free to post this if you'd like.