Sunday, January 07, 2007

One WIll Be Chosen:

The City Council of Grand Terrace has chosen to select the Person to serve out the term of office Election of Mayor Ferre caused.

In spite of challenging or suggesting Bill Hays apply if he didn’t like the way things were done by the council, it is doubtful that the City Council is going to provide the community with a council member who will view things differently than the Mayor and City Manager, and their advisors.

If the City Council actually named any one of the applicants other than Addison or Buchanan they will have given me sufficient reason to retire from the publication of the Blog. Yes having a variety of views on the City Council is that important.

So I am not going to say I support any of the other applicants, I am going to say who I do not support and offer the challenge to the Council Members to make my day, put someone on the Council who is nor a clone of yourself. You still hold the majority vote, things will be as they are. Perhaps just perhaps, however, a person who does not share your perspective may offer a question, or point of view worthy of your consideration and respect.

Bill Hays may be best from the other side of the podium, which is his choice and dare not ridicule a speaker again by making such a challenge if you fail to accept amongst your ranks a council member applicant who does not fit into your uni-think.

Your “Dare” to Bill Hays to apply, should be a Double Dare to you. Appoint someone who is known to hold a divergent opinion on the issues of City Management to the Council. Assuming your minds are not made up already, think about this. If there is more factual disclosure to the public and more complete consultative process during the Council Meetings, there is little need for the Blog to exist. Citizens can read the Blue Mt. Outlook, and GTCity News, if the GT City Web Page, and the Council Meetings were more inclusive of information and counter opinions, prior to decisions being made.