Thursday, January 11, 2007

From Email InBox: Miguel's

Hey Gramps,

Since this is now simply a repository for incoming e-mails, I'd like to add mine to the mix. I would just like to congratulate Miguel's Jr. for the construction of their new restaraunt on Barton Road. They have fought long and hard for this, and the majority of Grand Terrace residents I have spoken to are very excited about the restaraunt and the entire Towne Center project. Grand Terrace is on the move and the future looks bright. Thanks for the forum to post my views.


Respond to Brian From Email Inbox:

There has been no lot line adjustment. The environmental permits have not been issued or applied for. They are grading more than just for Miguel's. The project in a different location has not been before Planning or Council. Yeah the future is bright for those who don't believe in the rule of law. Water seeks it's own level Brian.

The Judge warned them that they will be at a greater loss should the Court deside against them. So it is a bit early to place a food order Brian.