Friday, January 14, 2011

CNG Reports on Hays Appointment

Gene Hays Appointed to GT City Council
Sandoval, McNaboe Nominate;
Hays Wins Council Vote, 3-1
Gene Hays

By: Margie Miller
From Jan 13, 2011 Grand Terrace City News

After reviewing 13 candidates for over three hours Tuesday night, the last remaining
spot on the Grand Terrace City Council was decided upon with a 3-1 vote affirming Gene Hays. Although, several long time residences applied for the position many of them known for their contributions to the community, it was a fairly newcomer that garnered the seat vacated by Walt Stanckiewitz.

After a contentious selection process, where one third of the field was eliminated due to a 2-2 block vote, Hays was nominated first by Councilmember Darcy McNaboe and a second time by Bernardo Sandoval and seconded by McNaboe. McNaboe agreed to modify the selection process on the condition Hays would be the candidate up for consideration.

“I’m extremely disappointed in the process. What should have been a clear and easy process turned into political gamesmanship by a member of the council,” Mayor Walt Stanckiewitz said. “There was a 2-2 split sometimes, and I attribute that to a fear of a voting block on one side or the other. Once we started to get into candidates that no one had any knowledge of, and they were rejected, I wondered ‘What’s going on here?’

“It became a cooperative effort on the part of Bernardo and Darcy, they found common ground in Mr. Hays and we were finally able to get three affirmative votes for a candidate.”

Hays became the council choice upon receiving the final tally of 3-1, with Councilwoman LeAnn Garcia being the nay vote. Hays is an attorney in Grand Terrace, specializing in immigration law. He has resided in Grand Terrace for the last seven years. “I believe in listening to the concerns of the community and acting upon those issues that are relevant to the residents in the city," Hays said during his interview. "And I feel that the council should be fiscally responsible and live within our means." Hays filled the seat left vacated by Stanckiewitz, who was elected mayor in November.

After much debate, the council elected to appoint for the fifth seat rather than hold a special election, which would have cost the residents approximately $ 35,000.

Stanckiewitz said Hays has a number of strong qualities that could make him an effective council member. “He has no perceived connections to anyone – none of us knew him that well,” Stanckiewitz said. “He talked about vision; he talked about the hard choices we’re going to have to make budget-wise and is aware of the realities we’re facing. “He’s intelligent and I think he’ll bring new ideas.”

Several of the other candidates interviewed throughout the evening expressed concerns with the fiscal direction of the city as well and felt that it was the number one priority for 2011.

After the selection process was over, Hays said, “I really love Grand Terrace and I’m ready to roll up my sleeves’ and get down to doing city business.”

Hays will be inducted Thursday evening, January 13, at a special meeting to be held by the council, which includes the discussion of the proposed new city park to be built off Grand Terrace Road.