Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Will YOU Raise Your Taxes for a Park?

$2,800,000.00 for the park... at 3000 homes or households that would be about $950.00 per household. Will we the citizens of Grand Terrace Tax ourselves in order to pay for the West Side Park. IF not perhaps we should say to the State of California, thanks but no thanks. Or will we be willing to pay a tax to Pay Doug Jacobsen $300.00 per each household for the land he purchased to replace the low and moderate income homes he removed in order to build the Mega Staters?

The Park is not Free. Grant money from the State comes from our tax pockets some where down the line. A park is needed. Perhaps Mr. Jacobsen would sell the property for 2.00 in exchange for not having to replace the homes he removed and naming the park DJ Family Park. Then when a Eagle Scout or Scout Group want to make a project of it the city may muster the support from within.

The annual cost of operation and maintenance is not included in the above estimates. Do we as a city have the finances to hire an individual to run the park. That includes retirement, medical, and all other overhead associated with employment.

This is not prudent use of the financial resources of the State nor the City.