GRAND TERRACE - Gene Hays, an immigration attorney with no government experience, will be sworn in today as the fifth member of the City Council.

The council members voted 3-1 on Tuesday to select Hays after interviewing 13 applicants.

"I'm looking forward to rolling my sleeves up and getting down to business," Hays said.

Several residents had expressed fear that the open seat, held by Walt Stanckiewitz until he was elected mayor in November, would lead to repeated 2-2 stalemates until the next election in 2012.

And at first, the council appeared to be headed down that path, as eight successive candidates were nominated, then failed either for lack of a second or in a 2-2 split with Mayor Walt Stanckiewitz and Councilman Bernardo Sandoval on one side and councilwomen LeeAnn Garcia and Darcy McNaboe on the other.

Sandoval then proposed voting again on Hays, who was originally nominated by McNaboe, and all but Garcia approved.

Garcia and Hays said afterward they were focused on the future, not the nomination.

"I look forward to working with you," Garcia told Hays after the meeting. "I was unable to support you, as I really do not know you."

Hays said finances were the council's biggest challenge, exacerbated by contracts where he said the city had not protected its interests.

On Wednesday, he added that he would apply his legal experience as he dug into the budget.

"The physical viewing of the budget, that's No. 1 for me," he said. "Once I have a look at it, then I'll approach it with the same attention, thoughtfulness and diligence as I approach legal cases."

The council will meet at 6 tonight for a public workshop regarding a proposed park on Grand Terrace's west side.


LeeAnn's statement "I look forward to working with you," Garcia told Hays after the meeting. "I was unable to support you, as I really do not know you." She could not support Sylvia Robles although approved by 1700 voters and clearly qualified on the matter of the budget because, she doesn't like her. The citizens wish the new council member well, however the Council did not select the best qualified candidate because of Garcia and McNaboe's personal feelings, not because of the qualifications. These Garcia and McNaboe should be given a voter reaction for their insistence on not selecting the best candidate for the council.

Mr. Hays, he graduated from law school in 1999. He attempted to pass the California bar exam after several tries, and went to the State of Washington to take the bar there and passed the bar there in 2005 after an additional 2-3 times. That means he cannot practice law in any State Court in California. He can practice law in Federal Courts such as Immigration cases, but he can not practice civil or criminal, in any of the Califorinia Courts.

Perhaps he can Guide the Council in the use Federal Law to Claw Back some of the losses due to improper management in the past. Debt Bonds are regulated by the Federal Government. Some of the other funds received have Federal Regulations tied to them. The Federal Courts over lap some of the type of cases that State Court handles. Often State Courts will not hear or get a local government case because of cronism in local politics and the Federal Courts is the only jurisdiction that will take on local government individuals.

Perhaps he will apply the attention to detail a good lawyer should have in case preparation. At a minimum he should be able to aid the city in writing better terms and conditions and detailed line item scope of work or specification requirements into the contracts and agreements so we never build something that can't pass code again, or find ourself paying for a Developers error in planning or building. His being on the Council will be a wait and see situation as the citizens don't know him.

He starts with a clean slate, Garcia and McNaboe not so much.