Friday, January 14, 2011

When A Council Person Says I don't Know:

Council Member Leeann Garcia has recently felt rushed to make a decision. She said last week that she did not support or vote for Mr. Hays who was appointed to the Council because she did not know him.

As a Council Member she had the responsibility to find out about all the applicants. Did she even bother to Google the names of the applicants? Did the city do a criminal back ground check on the applicants? The intentional and pervasive excuse of ignorance or lack of information is not acceptable. Leeann Garcia like all the Council Members must see that they are well informed prior to the meeting, add to that gained information the comments of the public and in this case the statements or interview answers and be prepaired to make a selection on the designated night.

LeeAnn came to the Council Meeting apparently to exercise her determination and will upon the remainder of the Council by her design of the selection process rules. Her frustration was that the other members of the Council thwarted her manipulation by changing the rules after hearing sufficient information for them that a person amongst the applicants could be found that 3 of the 4 could vote upon. Hays may be a compromise, but our government depends upon compromise. LeeAnn Garcia tried to stifle the votes of 3 council members by her insistence they hold to the rules and not amend the rules in order to fill the vacant seat. She thus demonstrated a deaf ear to the majority of the public in their desire to have Sylvia Robles Appointed, and a deaf ear to the majority of the public that felt that an election would be too costly, and a deaf ear to her Co Council Members when they found a candidate that 3 of them could agree upon.

Like a spoiled child she had a mini tantrum in public, directing her anger at Walt Stanckiewitz who was acting as the meeting facilitator when he asked, "Is that it? What do we tell these people that put them selves through this process?". "Are we fixed on a four member council?". Why did we waist these peoples time?". Because Leeann Garcia came to the meeting intent to keep the seat empty, or have it her way, she was angered by the suggestion that the Council give some thought to the situation. It was McNaboe and Sandoval that queered, and moved the possibility and collaboration on Mr. Hays on a second round motion.

Please Leeann Garcia, come prepared to do the work of the council and then if you find your not up to speed for the work, let the other council members do the work unobstructed by a temper tantrum or a delay so that you can resolve your lack of preparedness and information base. Your demonstrated feelings of contempt for your Co-Council Members and the Mayor is not conducive to your being an effective Council Member. You demonstrated quite well why there needed to be a 5th member on the Council. If 1700 Sylvia Robles supporters are supposed to accept the appointment of the City Council other than Robles, than surly you should be able to accept your rules to be changed by a motion by Council Member Darcy McNaboe, who is not a member of the "BLOCK" you so fear from having on the Council.

You as a single vote should not have had the attitude that you and your rules should have BLOCKED the work of the Council. Save your antics, and your slash and burn, and revile for Mr. Stanckiewitz, and others for some other time. Having to brace yourself by looking into the audience at some one you respect, clearly and deliberately demonstrates you do not respect your Co-Council and perhaps you might consider them so vile that you resign from your seat on the Council as a further and final demonstration of that repulsion.

Or in sports terms. Play nice or pick up your ball and leave the court.