In an open letter to me through Voice of the People entitled "Why so Angry?" (Jan. 3), Bernardo Sandoval, a newly elected Grand Terrace city councilman, posed in a hateful manner a number of questions to me.

Asking such things as; why am I so angry and full of spite, and what is it that I am opposed to, or would I prefer an adversarial relationship based on threats and intimidation? Such hateful, scurrilous messaging deserves an honest and thoughtful response.

Prompting Sandoval's letter is my concern that the Brown Act was violated by members of the Colton Joint Unified School District board. Officially known as the Ralph M. Brown Act - named after its assemblymember author - the law was passed in 1953 in response to public concerns that informal, undisclosed meetings were held by local elected officials. City councils, county boards, and other local government bodies were avoiding public scrutiny by holding secret meetings.

It's a powerful law that serves our state and its citizens well and makes secret meetings which can lead to corruption unlawful.

So Bernardo Sandoval, newly elected Grand Terrace city councilman, I will answer all your questions with the following:

As a concerned citizen and an elected official who serves the public within the laws of our state, I believe in the Brown Act and I expect every elected official to understand it and conduct their business by this law. When I see a violation I intend to express my voiceas loud as I can regardless of any criticism and baseless complaint such as yours.

Your baseless attack leaves me with a number of questions about your motivation and integrity. Will you learn the requirements of the Brown Act and other laws which govern your elected position? Will you attempt to govern by intimidation and hateful messaging? Will you become cozy with developers and outside contractors for personal interests? Will you put your constituents first above personal interests? Will you be a productive and caring council member? Only time and your actions will tell. I must say however, you're not off to a good start.

San Bernardino County Board of Education trustee, Area D