Tuesday, January 11, 2011

West Side Resident Rejects the Park Plan

From the Email InBox:

As of Monday morning the 10th, the illuminated sign now on Barton Road says in lavender letters on a white background as of Jan.13th a special Workshop for discussion of the new Park on GT Road. This prior to the on or about discussion of the whole park on the 20th. (Why, why, Barrie told me this had already been discussed at some previous workshop)

I am finding quite contradicting information on the new park. Seems 1-2 years ago the City of GT. sent Barrie out to discuss with the neighborhood the situation of "what exactly we would like to see" and also let slip the park position was decided via the G.T. city council, it was a fact, and the city council of GT voted upon it and it was 100% done, except for paying for it.

If the C-C is authorizing some one to appear on their behalf, then give them the straight poop, and do not send Barrie.Now am finding out via letter and via the staff that the city has NOT 100% decided as to if there will be a park, and we are to pay off Jacobson and neighbor first. (Didn't Barrie just tell us a while back this was a sure thing?)

A part of monies have been gathered via a grant through Sacto, and the residents of GT are expected to make up for the shortfall. Much of this as noted in the letter we received. (Oops, did we forget to mention an increase in property taxes?)

Then too the C-C for G.T. had gotten us fooled in thinking the 67 million that we paid to the state was only for an environmental assessment, not the actual construction costs of a bridge over the freeway. I had thought that figure too low. Should have been in the billions.

Have a neighbor up the street involved in local real estate. Was told to me years ago the cost of the house and Jacobson property were well below market. "Wish I could have bumbled on to that sale".Joyce is today trying to defend her interest into the situation by saying the "Improvements" along G.T. Road, that she had installed .....

The residents across the street do not want it, nor does anyone in the nearby trailer park. For it only means a large gathering of Boom-boxes for first year until the five yers has been run out, and the Sherrif can take care of. No big time sound wall in the immediate future. Seems the only one approving of the new park are Sacto, the C-C and the residents to east side of freeway. Is better and cheaper to let the land sit idle and gather property taxes. I would think that the C-C ought to be looking at ways to INCREASE the tax base, not at ways of removing a couple items.

Waaa? What's that? I can't hear you over the noise across the street ...

Gramps Adds a thought to the above.

If there is a park built, the Tax Assessor will then increase the property values around the park and those people will pay increased property taxes as well as have the added noise and traffic a park will bring to their neighborhood.

Write to the Governor of the State and tell him to take back the grant offer. The Citizens of GT do not have the money to pay for a new park, and neither do the Citizens of the State of Grand Terrace.

Collect the taxes from Doug Jacobsen at the assessed value and don't off load his dealings onto the backs of the Citizens of the State or Grand Terrace.