Saturday, March 18, 2006

Developer the Wolf Is Knocking

Be Aware of Jacobsen Family Holdings Tactics:

SOME Citizens of Grand Terrace have received a mailing from Jacobsen Family Holdings, promoting their Town Center Development Rights and Plan. Should the Citizen be impressed by pictures of shopping carts, and firemen and children? Not one real commitment to spending money on children, or fire department has been made. Actually the development is problematic to children and the fire department.

Several representations of the Flyer are worthy of discussion. Jacobsen Family Holdings DO NOT indicate that there are any other options to Lowes, or even a Stater Brothers Market.

Why not invite Stater's to Participate in the Redevelopment of their current Location?

Has the County Library Dedicated to FUNDING a Library 3 times the size of the current library, the City provides free rent, and 8,000.00 operational funds for? Where is the commitment for funding from the County? The Design on the Flyer is not the current Design offered to the Planning Commission. Just like the Savon What Jacobsen Family Holdings, Show in Public is not what was Built. Let's not be fooled again by Jacobsen Family Holdings Pictures and View Graphs. This is an increase of expence to the city, or county or to be translated the TAX Payer.

Where is the Pedestrian Friendly Development required by the Specific and General Plan for that area? NO WHERE in the Design they present.

Where is the Loitering and Public Urination Park Facility for the Day Workers LOWES will bring to the corner directly across from an Elementary School along children's path to and from School?

What will the walkers (children walking to and from school) do, to navigate the traffic, and big delivery trucks? Sure there will be stop lights. How will they get across busy driveways? Will all deliveries to Lowes be during NON School Commute Times? Can that be regulated. Try and keep a contractors truck from coming in and doing business at 2:30... It is not going to happen.

The Final Insult to the Citizens intelligence is that their flyer asks for a Vote on the Town Center. If you respond you Vote YES. Will they present how many flyers were sent, and NOT returned. The Not Returned being counted as NO VOTES? I dare say not. I think Saddam Hussein ran an election with ONLY ONE CHOICE of a vote. He is called a DICTATOR.

You should be offended that this has been sent to your home. You should be offended if it is USED to Justify their presentation for their Plan of Development in Contrast to Other Plans being presented. If you were not one of the chosen to receive a FLYER, It is posted so you can be informed as to their tactic.

You should be informed, that If the Area being considered the area for the Town Center converted to a goat farm, Stater Brothers would still be in Grand Terrace. It is not a choice of do this development or lose Stater Brothers. That is not the position of Stater Brother's Market. Stater Brothers knows, if the Citizen of Grand Terrace has to leave Grand Terrace to shop, we will not be shopping at a Stater Brothers. We may drive to Cardenas Market, Walmart, or Costco. Goats will not increase the cost of police, safety, or increase traffic, or bring cancer causing chemicals to be concentrated in one area of town, across from an elementary school next to to residential areas.

You should be insulted that Private Homes, and Businesses are considered "PUBLIC EYESORES", that are ok to ERADICATE by a PRIVATE Developer, using the POWER of the CITY to force the sale and take over of the property of INDIVIDUAL CITIZENS. Old Farm Houses, Moderately Priced Mobile Homes, Small retail Shops, are a starting point and in some cases the end years of many lives of QUALITY People.

There are many levels of WRONG in this Jacobsen Family Holdings and City of Grand Terrace Relationship. It needs to be Stopped. Stop it now.

So Vote, NO on these Tactics. No on Lowes and Public Urination Park, Traffic, and no pedestrian Friendly Development. Say no to a FALSE Library Plan. Say NO to The continued misrepresentations by Jacobsen Family Holdings and the City Manager, City Redevelopment Agency Director Tom Schwab.

Say No to the Use of Eminent Domain to Force People Off their Land.

This is the reason this flyer has been sent out. It is an effort to say the Public wants the Development, so it is OK to Kick a Citizen Private Property Owner Off their Land. "For the PUBLIC GOOD". IT is not in the PUBLIC GOOD, nor is it RIGHT.

It is also interesting that not everyone received a mailing. Did they not want the opinion of Women? Men, Minorities? Parents of Children attending GT Elementary? Who was on their Don't ask Don't Inform List? Their statistics are about as good as their Designs, you can't trust either of them. Much like you can't trust this deal or any of the people in the Deal.