Thursday, March 09, 2006

Power of the Individual Council Member

Perhaps Council Member Herman Hilkey and Council Member Jim Miller could yield the floor to citizens who were cut off by the Mayor's 3 minute gag order rule during their time under Council Reports.

It is apparent, when the Mayor or Staff want you to speak there is no time clock. It is also apparent that this 3 minute gag rule stifles the information the Council Members are allowed to consider to make their decisions on agenda items, and public concerns in general.

We must ask then who benefits from this action and one must assume Tom Schwab is the head of the information limitation crew. He and his staff can't be held accountable for their work, their representations, and their lack of timely response to the council or the public.

We also learned that when you don't have any thing to say at a Council Meeting, go pick up all the flyers in the Library and at City Hall, present them like they were news flashes.

How about real news, real plans, and designs being not shared with the public, until just befor a decision is made? Or would that be "Open Government"?