Thursday, March 09, 2006

From Email In Box: Traffic Stalls Council Meeting.

The traffic study and the recommendations have snarled in the Interchange Jam.

How can the sort or long term investment in traffic, and road design, or even any further development near the 215 Freeway be made without knowing the real design of the State's roads, and interchanges.

Perhaps it is time for the State of California to enact a building Freeze in the areas being considered for the impact of these interchanges, and off ramps. Failure to freeze all development along this corridor will raise the eventual construction costs, and waste money on short term high cost fixes.

No design along Barton Road such as the Town Center Development/ Out Door Adventure Center Revised should be allowed until the Off Ramp issue is resolved. Even the High School should not be built until The State will assure it won't be under the Pigeon Pass Express Road. The State may need to displace existing businesses, and building more for them to displace just increases costs.
A citizens committee to discuss traffic recommendations is an interesting alternative to providing the current off ramp plans and the time line of the finalizing of those projects. For all we know GT will be split in half by the pigeon Pass EXPRESS ROUTE. Changing a small town, to an area cut up by freeways, areas of Los Angeles and Orange County come to mind. Property values under an overpass now that will be great. Perhaps we should just rename GT as Freeway Daisy City. And be done with it, the ultimate development plan, become other peoples road.

Who do you think will win at San Bag... Riverside vs GT?

It's in the works... Is a theme repeated so many time. Where is the information.. The council is not being informed by the staff during the process, and the Public is not informed at all.

Here is an option... Put Speeder Cameras on the speeder roads. Fine people for speeding, and putting our children at risk.

Mt. Vernon is designed to be the main road through town, The block wall corridor. Michigan is not designed to be the main road through town. Simple, make it undesirable to use Michigan as a means to cut through town. As a matter of fact make it undesirable to Drive Through GT unless you have real business here. Lower all the speed limits to their minimum possible. Have Traffic Cameras do the enforcement, and add security cameras to record crime.
The GT Development projection to 2030 that is an interesting idea. That information would be gold, to those on the council and their friends in the Realty Business.

Why wasn't the Early Planning Meeting televised? Such an odd city. I wonder who will remember it after it is just one big road and Overpass?