Saturday, March 25, 2006

Water Company Plan Approved a Second Look

Dear GrandPa Terrace,
We do need to talk.I find the candor of your blog refreshing and the crime reporting, events coming up and posting of the Council and Planning Commission are a great gift to the City of Grand Terrace. It does fill a real need.

I do understand it is your personal blog and you have every right to publish what you want because you are paying the bills. With that said I would appreciate the following adjustments being presented to your readers.

The Zoning Map you have posted has a slight error which should be corrected.(See attached) The Grand Terrace Elementary Campus is zoned PublicFacilities and should be green. The map supplied to you shows it as commercial. It is a minor point in that it is State property and no matter what the City zones it, the State will decide its use.Same for the new high school - the Colton Joint Unified School District answers to the State and if they say it is a high school site, it is a high school site.

The contaminated piece mentioned a few weeks ago is not shown as contaminated on any zoning map but it does exist. For your general information it is theold plating site along Main Street that the City now owns and is using CDBG(Federal) Money to clean up. Then the City will give it to the high schoolsite for a parking lot........

Above is a portion of an Email From Councilmember Herman Hilkey

Mr. Hilkey:

Thank you for recognizing some good in the publishing of the Blog. As far as who pays the bill it is only a matter of time. The city could share information via a blog and only time would be the issue, not added equipment, software, or much training. It is a matter of no will to share information which precludes data sharing. Blogs are FREE, and many site providers provide Free storage space.

I will address the items as you have provided the evidence. In regards to the Map provided being in error. However, I will tell you the map came from the City of Grand Terrace Web Page.

Also I will tell you that the City's Record of Land Zone and the County's Don't Match. I will also suggest that Land Ownership is recorded at the web site:

It is interesting to go there and check the difference between the City's Maps and the County Records, and publicly made statements of who own's what, and how it is taxed.
posted by GrandPaTerrace at
Tuesday, April 11, 2006

In trying to understand the location of the Proposed Water Company Offices, Garage, Storage Yard, sand lot, and asphalt storage issues I looked up for the most recent maps available on the City's Web Site.

Yep, it looks like the Planning commissioner was WRONG, it is not ZONED Light Commercial, IT IS ZONED .... RESIDENTIAL... And the Water Company's REPRESENTATION was that the PUMP HOUSE would LOOK like a residence and that is how they acquired the purchase and made their original representation. They represented the House, will cover the pump and YOU'LL never know it is not just another house in the neighborhood.

Now Mr. Hilkey Brought the Map Snafu to Mr. Schwab: and the answer is ..... Yes the Elementary School is Zoned Commercial. This may be why some of the city staff gleefuly has said the Community Center is not going to be there much longer. Hmmm things adding up yet folks?


SO again, how can a citizen, be protected. Buying even developing land or property in Grand Terrace is a Crap Shoot. Zone Zone who knows the Zone, Ownership who cares, Eminent Domain can take care of any silly person who "Owns" property.

The "Simple Office Space" includes Offices for Board Members, and A Private Gym for Employees and Board Members, and a Meeting Room. This is not the best use of this property, nor is it what the citizens or the council originally approved. In addition, the Plans include a Metal Garage.

This will no doubt end up in court, for environmental issues, including, noise, traffic, vermin, pesticide, and herbicide use in an area which runoff will end up in the Santa Anna River.

As both a citizen of Grand Terrace and a member of the Stock holders of the Water Company We should all be distressed by this fraud being enacted. It is becoming apparent that anyone owning property on the west side of Michigan is in the situation they live in an area that is so BLIGHTED the city feels it can do what ever it pleases in that area.

Notice that the Red area near the High School is Toxic, and the land or Zone for the land of the High School was Commercial... Manufacturing.