Sunday, March 26, 2006

From The Email InBox:

Dear GrampaTerrace:

Two men were walking down Barton Rd. taking pictures of the NORTH side of Barton Rd between Canal and Michigan. When asked, they said they were architects working for a developer. When asked if the developer was Jacobsen, they said yes. They said they were only architects and they weren't planning on developing, only taking the pictures.

GrampaTerrace thinks, "Here they Come Again", Do we have any reason to think well of Jacobsen?

Does Jacobsen have eyes on the land between the School and Starbucks on the North Side of Barton Road? Has he been given the verbal Go a Head? How will citizens and land owners know? As long as there is a Tom Schwab as Dictator of the City, and a City Council willing to endorse his every whim, and use the power of zoneing, Private Exclusive Development Deals, and Eminent Domain landowners, business operators, and home owners are mere share croppers or temporary holders of the land to be pushed off at the Will of the Dictator, the Greed ot the Developer, and the Realty Faction who make money each time a plot of land is sold.
They are at your curb looking with eyes of greed on your property. You must stop all Eminent Domain in Grand Terrace, where it is for "Redevelopment" and not for Schools, or Roads, or true Public Works.

Eminent Domain HAS TO BE STOPPED.
Stop it in Grand Terrace.
Let Real Land Ownership be
a point of PRIDE in Grand Terrace.