Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Anti Eminent Domain Actions Increase Visit this web site for San Bernardino

What You Can DO

Call: Senate Majority leader Frist (202) 224-3344, Sen.'s Boxer office (202) 224-3553 and Sen. Feinstein's office (202) 224-3841 and respectfully requested that the Senate move on House Resolution 4128. While the Senate fights among themselves real people with real lives are going to loose their homes to eminent domain. That the people here need that law now and to please get to work on it today.

Dear Mr. President,

We respectfully request that you light a fire under the U.S. Senate to act on House Resolution 4128. This bill would stop all Federal Funding for two years to redevelopment agencies that us eminent domain to take a citizens home from them to give to a developer.

Our city of Grand Terrace, Ca. has abused the funds for years and will not let the citizens see any accounting of the money. Our city manager who makes over $110,000 a year was sold a redevelopment house as well as his secretary and the city financed it for him.

Our city government co-mingle's the RDA funds into city funds so it is impossible to determine what monies went where. In fiscal year 2004-2005 our city buget for a population of 13,000 was 3.58 million in one year, 2005-2006, with no explaination from the city it went to over 24 million.

My neighbor, Jo Stringfield is under the threat of loosing her home to eminent domain (see attached flyer) for a Lowes and a grocery store. The city used the ruse of a new library to threaten the other neighbors with eminent domain and they fled.

Now that the developer has taken those homes and bulldozed them the city says there will be no new library. Mr. President there are real people out here beyond the Beltway that feel those that are inside the Belt way only care about their biggest campaign contributors.

We need our Government to be responsive and protect us where the Supreme Court won't. Please, Please Please, Mr. President don't let them take my friends house away from her.

It's just not right.