Friday, January 27, 2006

From theEmail InBox: The Vote was Unanimous

This means every member of the Current City Council will entertain the Use of eminent Domain for the Purpose of Passing land from one Private Person to a Second Private Party.

Of course they suggested this is only in the case of "Commercial Property". Homes could never face this situation in Grand Terrace.

Now who control the zoning? That would Be the City Council. So THEY can change the zoning of your property, then take it and transfer the ownership to a Second Private Party.

Their action says, they want to position the City as the arbitrator between a two party negotiation. The Land Owner, and the Person Wanting to Buy the Property should be the only ones at the table. The City's action prepositions the use of Eminent Domain. It has been held in reserves in all negotiations, and it has even been suggested it be used in the Press. So when the City Council Members let the first step down that road be taken, they have indicated that they are unfit to serve this community.

They should have said no to the assessment. They should have said Mr. City Manager/ RDA Director you do not have the authority to involve the City and or the Redevelopment Agency in this Negotiation. That would have set the standards and rights of Property Owners in this community. WHO CARES what the zoning is. THE City should not be the go between or the enforcer of negotiations between private individuals.

How Odd it is when the Public can't Be informed of the Negotiations on Public Property Sales, yet, the City can put their nose into what should be a Private Negotiation.

It is time to replace the entire council and the City Management. A clean House. It may take a few election cycles.. They all have to go.

Of the nearly 25 speakers only 4 or 5 who gained financially spoke for the development as planned. But, the end use of the property is not what is of issue here. Some of those speaking for the project are in agreements which are contagion on the Developer's gaining all the property in the "Plan", and thus they have personal gain and are willing to surrender the rights of another for their own benefit. Shame on them. Shame.

What is of issue is the RIGHTS to Property. If the owner was a foreigner who never set foot in the USA, that person should have PROPERTY RIGHTS in Grand Terrace. How much greater is the injustice when the issue is with a Family Home/Land passed on to a surviving daughter. The Property's zoning is not related to Property Rights, that is just a diversion of the City Manager to make such statements.