Thursday, January 26, 2006

Did you like the Answers You Got?

For the Record: In the News Papers the Budget has been represented as being several different amounts. Justifying no services to youth... We have a small budget. When asked why the budget expanded so rapidly, that small budget expanded to 10 or 12 mil not 3.6... and the CITY MANAGER didn't know the Figures. IS he going to come back to the NEXT meeting with the FIGURES? And ANSWERS?

For the Record: Schwab said: No there weren't any NEW Tax Allocation Bonds Issued.

However on the Record of the 05-6- Budget it is in Black and White $15,000,000 in tax bonds issued by the RDA.

The Law in the Brown Act should work for disclosure Requirements for GAD Citizens like it DID FOR HILKEY when he got FIRED. THE Meeting ends the negotiation not the ESCROW. We have a Legal Advisor who Tells Schwab what he wants to hear, he does not represent the interests of the Citizens. There was no explanation as to who authorized the fancy rebuild of the rehab home. We are left to speculate the purchaser is or has directed the upgrades, and is benefiting unjustly from the financing arrangements being made. It is OUR HOUSE, and WE can't find out what is going on in the negotiations. THIS IS WRONG.

The question about the Library. The answer was there is a group of people interested in having a new library facility and we plan to go forward with that plan but this plan is flexible because it needs to be protected from the likes of Jo Stringfield and so on... Well lets ask, Is the County Going to Pay the Rent or construction for a NEW LIBRARY SPACE? Libraries are good. However, this smells of manipulation of the reality on many levels.

Is there a commitment from the County to Fund a Move, and Rent a New Facility at the current Projected Costs?

More Later