Sunday, January 15, 2006

Happy Birthday GrandTerraceNews.Blogspot

The GrandTerraceNews.blogspot is a Year Old Today.

The reason for the blogs beginning was a direct response to a public desire for more available information on crime in Grand Terrace. The Blog provides a report of ACTUAL ARRESTS, previously not reported in a format for Grand Terrace Specifically.

The blog's readers then began providing email comments and documents to be posted. The Blog Posts these documents because the CITY of Grand Terrace is unwilling or unable to provide this level of service to the PUBLIC.

The Blog also tries to keep abreast of the current actions of the Council, and the RDA and the publics objections to those actions including law suits. Again the city apparently holds the operational opinion that the citizens should not be informed of the particulars, process, negotiations of the business conducted on their behalf. Developments, High Schools, and Debt are all in part "Negotiated in Closed Session", with out PUBLIC disclosure along the way.

The City of Grand Terrace also request the blog to share announcements with the blog readers.

Happy Birthday Blogsters..

Please continue your support, and email submissions.