Thursday, January 12, 2006

Report on Council Meeting Jan 12 2006

Well, the transfer of land or Property from the RDA to the CITY was approved without much question as to the cost to the city, and how the funds will be bonded, and paid back, nor the related legal requirements for reporting the sale, transfer of funds, and so forth. RDA wants it, so it was done.

There was no sale of property to the city at the council meeting. Con-firmed by Councilman Hilkey and Mr. Schwab the land was GIVEN to the City by the Redevelopment Agency. What is to stop all cities from using their redevelopment agencies funds from buying property and transferring to their cities. Then they could sell it to their developer friends or just friends at a reduced rate and then perhaps from there to a family member of the council and then to a council member or former council member. By the time all the transactions had taken place the short memory of the public would have taken effect.

I wonder who the buyer of the Arliss house is and if it is a well known name in town. Did the city or RDA spend $250,000 to rehab any other houses the agency or city owned. No. They were going to low to moderate income folks. The buyer of the Arliss house has to be in a higher income bracket than most or maybe a former council member. Who knows? The city does but they won't tell. An odd sort of accounting and disclosure, or non disclosure at best.

The Tax on Rentals was passed into GT LAW... Pay up all you rich landlords. Renters, YOUR RENT INCREASE will be in the MAIL. Further assistance in providing low and moderate income housing I would presume.

The sale of the house on Arliss. It is GREAT to have the City Manager, say that the Citizens of the Town selling a house, should not be fully informed regarding the process of the negotiations. It is OUR CITY, and thus OUR BUSINESS if a buyer is not going to surrender their rights to "PRIVATE" negotiations, quite frankly they should not be buying a piece of property owned by TAXPAYERS/THE PUBLIC/YOU AND ME.

The Council Member Miller's willingness to identify addresses, and people for alleged criminal activities is odd when, at the same meeting, the land deals are just rushed through, and "In Private" or not fully disclosed.

Toxic Chemicals, Oils, Noise, and a bad Neighbor on Michigan. Gee welcome to the new west GT. Add more of the same and a High School and that would just about equal the OAC Plan. Sure, it may have LOOKED better than trucks, but the real affects would have been no different. These real violations get a "We'll look into it". Note the problems have been brought to CITY EMPLOYEES with no action taken. Effective Management Mr. Schwab.

With past mismanagement of RDA funds, the recent two transactions should be investigated completely. Including the involvement of Councilmember Miller and all others on the Council related to or directly involved in Realty business in GT.

Who is the purchaser, and is $500,000. and change the current market value for the house? What is the total financial disclosure on the "DEAL"? Who is getting paid to "Manage" the DEAL..? Terra Loma? Perhaps even a Council Member is getting a point here or there on the sale. WE can't be told the details, until AFTER the deal is a DONE DEAL.

Now for the HAM: It would be nice if the PUBLIC was able to VIEW the details provided the COUNCIL in preparation for the appeal. Remember the Staff Reports and preparation is Provided to the Council Preloading their minds with data and a recommended action or prejudice. The petitioner has to overcome this disadvantage.

A new Planning Commissioner is Needed. Two are for that matter. Dates and Disclosure requirements. Dates were settled upon. I wonder if the council would accept the application of any of the folks who have opposed the council's opinions and decisions in the past?

The progress on the "Fire Works Committee" report was interesting. There is no doubt about the great work of the folks who work in the Sports Groups in Town. The issue is "Fire Works". The issue is perhaps are there ALTERNATIVE fund raising activities available to support the Youth Sports in town? Is there a better way of regulating the sale and use of fireworks if they are permitted. Is there a better way of removing illegal fireworks and ticketing persons discharging fireworks in an unsafe manner, or using illegal fireworks. We could tax Prostitutes over lets say Easter Week and give them free walking time on Barton Road and earn enough money to support the Youth Sports. This however would not be a good thing.

Fireworks, of any kind increase the risk of fire and injury to individuals. The existence and permitting of "Safe and Sane" fireworks increases the use of illegal fireworks, and increases the difficulty of enforcement.

I hope that the HAM operator is able to get a reasonable resolution to the issues he is being assailed with.

The Council Meeting ended rapidly.

Farewell to those who passed.