Saturday, January 28, 2006

From the Email In Box: Private Negotiations what a Laugh

Quoted in the Sun Telegram: "Schwab said she rejected a $1,010,000 offer from Jacobsen last year".

Isn't it interesting that while the Council meetings/ Redevelopment Agency Meeting was going on Mr. Schwab did not disclose the amount previously rejected? It is part of his pretence of Private Negotiations Being the REQUIREMENT. Then he goes to the PRESS and releases such statements.

Jo Stringfield is not just a "Homeowner", She is the PROPERTY OWNER. It does not matter if she lived there a week, rented the place out, or won the property in a bet. She is the PROPERTY OWNER. THE RIGHT TO OWN PROPERTY is supposed to be an IMPORTANT RIGHT which separates us from the Likes of the Communists, Nazi, and the Taliban.

The City Councils Action in allowing the City's Involvement in this "Project/Development" with Jacobsen is an obscenity, and a betrayal. The Jacobsen's have been unsuccessful in their negotiations. They have put up all this planning investment... THAT IS CALLED RISK... The City of Grand Terrace should not be in the Business of Protecting Business against RISK.. How many business get such service from the City and RDA?

If your Deals aren't going to work out Jacobsen, minimize your losses, come up with a plan that works or cut and Run as others Have.

Do you suppose the restrictions on use put in place by this very council and planning department may be part of the cause of the problem? Do you suppose that the cost of doing business in the City may be part of the problem? Do you suppose that the DEAL being made behind closed doors is Part of the Problem? Oh it is not all Jo's Fault... Even if her property was sold today. The idea of going ahead with the development as currently planned is repulsive to the community. Traffic Studies, Freeway Changes, Day Workers, and Bears OH MY... Jacobsen's had better rethink its design and intended tenants.

A library, and a noisy hardware store, with day laborers.. The library will become the hospitality center for the day workers... Children going to and from school or the library will be subjected to those who didn't get a job in the morning, but by the after noon have spent their pocket change on beer readily available at the gas station, while hanging out for an after noon or evening job. An improvement to our city.. Our community life. Well if an increased cash flow is an improvement yes. But, we must know just because more money may come into the city's budget, there is no guarantee that there will not be an even greater need for money to leave the budget. Of course one could say a bigger budget is better. Hogwash. Quality is not always priced at a higher rate. Don't be fooled by twisted arguments. More Money is better. More in and Even More Out is not a good thing. More Name recognizing for Grand Terrace is not automatically a good thing. Do we want to be the Venice Beach of the Inland Empire?

It is time Grand Terrace Redevelopment Agency is dissolved. It's leader removed, and the City provide what was intended at the beginning of its charter. Please Provide, Police Services. Thank YOU... Nothing else was the intent. Get out of the citizens way of enjoying their property.