Thursday, January 12, 2006

More Concerns From the Email Inbox

There is something wrong here!

Tonight the RDA is going to transfer the property that the Senior Villas are going to be built on to the city. They just can't transfer it. The RDA is a separate entity, it would have to be sold to the city. Just like the city bought Tom Schwabs house from the RDA, although we have never been able to find where the city paid the RDA for it, they just can't transfer it without a monetary transaction.

The RDA has to sell it to the city. Is the City going to pay the $9,000,000 the RDA gave to the Corp for Better Housing Whether You Like It Or Not. Can anyone explain this to me? Can anyone explain this to anybody?

The answer is:

Go to the Meeting Tonight. Bring it up in the Public Comments, on the topic, and during the Public Comment Portion of the Council Meeting. Then you and others may have an option to bring forth legal action which may be able to make the transaction, and process an ethical, and proper one.