Saturday, January 21, 2006


For the Blog:

Susan Kelo still at Home Thanks!

It should be remembered that although Kelo “lost” at the Supreme Court, the real person Susan Kelo still lives in her house in CT. Why? Because the five star hotel project planned for her homesite was abandoned even before Kelo was decided by the Supreme Court. “Developer says Fort Trumbull Hotel plan not Viable since 2002: Project became unrealistic without Pfizer Commitment.” The Day, June 12, 2004, page 1. But meanwhile, the Kelo case, developer was granted a 99 year lease on a 90-acre waterfront parcel for rent of only $1.00 a year. Does this sound familiar to the Grand Terrace Senior low, low income housing deal/scam?

Justice Sandra Day O’Conner said in her dissent that since the Kelo decision sanctions the forcible transfer of wealth from the lower middle class to the rich, it is a case of predatory behavior by the government, that most Americans rightly reject. “Meet Hood Robin, he takes from the Poor and Gives to the Rich,” and “most right thinking Americans are outraged” by this immoral decision, says legal scholar/author Gideon Kanner, Esq.

Retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor crystallized the concerns of property owners in her dissenting opinion, pointing out that "under the banner of economic development, all private property is now vulnerable to being taken and transferred to another private owner." O'Connor concluded the beneficiaries of the Kelo decision are "those citizens with disproportionate influence and power in the political process, including large corporations and development firms," at the expense of individual property owners.

After Kelo, concerned citizens across the country now formed coalitions and went to their respective state capitols and cities in an attempt control eminent domain abuse. About forty states are currently considering legislation to limit the use of eminent domain abuse. So, get going to your city meetings on Thursday nights and make your self heard on this important issue. Or, your property could be next!

Worried in Grand Terrace,
From: Will I be condemned too?