Wednesday, January 11, 2006

GT RDA has Bought UP GT and Put you in DEBT

Here is a list of the GT Property Owned by the City of Grand Terrace.

Note that the City is purchasing the land for the Developers. The Developers aren't providing the funding, or the capital investment, YOU or the CITY is. This is why we need bonds, or loans that will need to be paid back some time in the future.

Note that the City has a strangle hold on almost any of the remaining property in Grand Terrace. Why not just move Terra Loma into the City Hall, it will cut down on the traffic on Barton Road. What are the PUBLIC USE PLANS for all this property? NOT the bulk of the property is being purchased for the benefit of Developers, who get selected by Tom Schwab, for project that aren't bid out competitively. Yet, we are fronting the investment.