Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Barton Road Town Center

Eminent Domain was set up so a City could protect its citizens by building schools, police stations, libraries, etc. Taking people's homes to benefit a developer is just selfish. Our City Council Members owe it to the citizens to know what is going on.

I sat in a City Council Meeting when Staff told the Council that they knew nothing about the Lowe's project and permits had not been filed. It is obvious they knew all about the developers plan years in advance because they are a part of it. Whether they make out financially or not, they are puting themselves in line for another law suit.

The new plan that is now posted at City Hall shows a library between a Lowes and a Stater Brothers. First of all, why do we need a new library? Second, what parent would want to send their child to a library between two major stores? What about the amount of pollution that will be centered in the downtown area because of the increase of diesel trucks and commuters. Remember we are already above maximum capacity for pollution safety standrds. This will be right across the street from Grand Terrace Elementary School, who is already noting an increase in respiratory diseases. And located right next to our quiet, bedroom communities. More walls, more graffiti, less control, more police.

Parents have been led to believe that the Recreation Center was discontinued because there isn't enough revenue coming from property taxes and we need more sales tax. They believe our City Council will bring back programs for our children. This just isn't true. Our City Council has no interest in improving our life style in Grand Terrace for families and children. As they get older they are more concerned in developing senior centers on the edge of town.

The original Plan was to include businesses of a quiet nature that would contribute to our outdoor life style. We need to elect people who understand what Grand Terrace needs.