Wednesday, June 14, 2006

From the email inbox: and reply

Brian R wrote:

This is in response to the unidentified (of course) poster who blasted Grand Terrace Days. At least Steve Berry and the city staff are trying to do something to make the city better. If you have a better suggestion for a festival, put it together and present it at the council meeting. But oh...I forgot, that would take a sustained effort, and to speak at a council meeting you're required to give your name and take responsibility for your poisonous statements. It's far easier to take anonymous pot shots on this blog. The negativity sickens me. Don't fall into this trap. Be fair, logical, and reasonable. Make change that is constructive, not destructive. If you didn't like it, propose change.

If you won't post this because it's a different opinion, at least forward it to that unidentified (of course) poster.

Brian Reinarz

Gramps reply:

Interesting that One Day Event is equal to a better city. Interesting that you have not served on the GT Days Committee or any other committee and subjected yourself to such a pleasure. So you don't have any idea what it is like to serve and sustain an effort of such an experience you suggest that the person who wrote the post lacks. I didn't know you were clairvoyantant. You claim to know the writers level and type of service to the community. Wow, I am impressed. What stocks to you suggest?

The LACK of PUBLIC support for the Planning and Such should speak to the importance and value of the day to the city. You see emails come in form all sorts of folk including city staff, and people who have sustained years of effort to the citizens, city and community.

There are things being done which have been sustained you are yet to know about, but like an avalanche you don't always know what grain of sand starts the big event. Funny how you quote Council Member Ferre's Words... Perhaps those of us you seek to critisize and attempt to belittle are providing solutions, and being constructive, ye have not the eyes to see, nor the ears to hear.

I Recall many people including persons on the Firework Committee who suggested a change in GT Days to use it as a fund raiser for the Youth Programs. I recall others at Council Meetings also making such statements, and yes they show up at meetings and are like the Fireworks Committee dismissed, or diluted by the staff's intended direction. It ends up in an interesting venting of ideas, but no change results.

I'd rather have Steve Berry Coaching a Team during those hours he is now available to organize the GT DAYS. If the City can run without his time on more urgent business, he should perhaps be assigned to serve as a coach, or mentor, or something more constructive than a one day event.

It is an interesting City We live in.

I hope you find time to sustain an effort of service to the community.

But, I'll post your Opinion. With your Identification as it is such an issue with you that an idea, or opinion has to be associated with a person.