Saturday, June 24, 2006

From the Email InBox: Surplus of Pot Holes.

Dear Grandpa Terrace.

Thank you for the surplus explanation. Now I understand why when we called the City to get a pothole fixed on Mt. Vernon we were told there was no money to fix it. The City could not come up with fifty bucks worth of asphalt.

Grampa answers:

yup and how many pot holes will 2500.00 repair? That is how much we are thinking of giving per year for a "Promotional" Effort Collaboration with the San Bernardino Visitors Center.

Pot holes, or Promotion and More Traffic... hmmm interesting choice.

Well, when was the last time you heard a report about a Pothole taking a Councilmember of City Manager on a trip or out to lunch, or used as an excuse to charge the city for a lunch, trip or hotel? Hmmm... Perhaps we want to be part of the San Bernardino Visitor's Center so we can later on down the line use that participation as a reason to travel or dine on the City's Dime.

yup, your right, pot holes should be first.
