Thursday, June 22, 2006

Where's the Deputy:

Police Services were Reviewed at the City Council Meeting.

It was interesting: The Council Approved a motion to have Staff prepare a contract amendment with the intent of adding one 40 hour deputy and car. This will cost about $200.000.00 per year.

One has to wonder what other service provider would charge. Perhaps the Colton PD who already provides some back up service, and provides services to the CJUSD schools in Colton. Has anyone asked?

What is clear. There is plenty of need for additional Police service. When a call goes out to the Call center that a confrontation JUST took Place at an Elderly Woman's Home on Barton Road, with a description of a Truck and People involved, for it to take a half an hour for the Deputy to arrive. Clearly this was not considered an URGENT CALL.

This call was characterized as being non violent at the council meeting, yet the son arrived at the scene of the crime and had to wrestle the perpetrators out of his mother's home. He was chastised by the Deputy for breaking the white pickup trucks mirror.

IF there were a deputy available to respond faster, the alert for a white pickup, with no plates, and damaged mirror and a description of the driver could have gone out to law enforcement surrounding GT. Perhaps the Colton PD, CHP, or Riverside PD/Sheriff, or Orange County Law Enforcement could have been informed and protected their citizens from the next to crimes of these same individuals.

No now we hear that there have been repeats of this crime in Riverside and Orange County which seem to be the same perpetrators.

This evening the lieutenant said there are composite drawings which indicate it is the same folks.

So where are these composite? May WE SEE THEM... On one hand you ask for help, and then you don't provide us with the information.

Did you get the connection. More Police will equal more arrests, more crime reported on the cities statistics, and that is not good for increasing the house values.

Crime is here. Perhaps there is a direct relationship to the increase in places where alcohol can be purchased and consumed. Perhaps there is a direct relationship to drug use. Perhaps there is a direct relationship to the Increased Housing Costs, requiring both Parents to Commute to jobs distant from their children, leaving a group of individuals un-parented when they need them the most.

As long as we neglect the children and youth of our community by not having a community where parents can afford to parent children or services aren't provided as a surrogate parents we will continue the decline of our civility and community. This will be a trend difficult to turn around.

One way of looking at the reports, fire the police and there will be no crime statistics to report.

How about having a look into our civility and community which fosters criminal behavior. Alcohol, Drugs, unsupervised youth, unemployment, transient population also TRAFFIC or Drive through Criminals. A one day Grand Terrace Day, or a Halloween Haunt is not that which will create civility or community and reduce criminal activity in our community.

More Police does not equal an increase in criminality. In increases the number of crimes recorded and hopeful solved. Increases in criminality are a result of economic, family, and social conditions. These are the issues not being addressed in the discussion of community services, community planning, and yes even the development we select for our community.