Thursday, June 29, 2006

From the Email Inbox: More on the Senior Villas Case

Dear Gramps .... please post:

Dear Grampa:

I would just like to say a few words regarding the accusations that the residents of Brentwood St. don’t care one bit about the Seniors in our wonderful city of Grand Terrace.

When this whole project came to our attention, purely by accident, we understood why the Senior Center needed to be modernized and enlarged. However, we never wanted to have a 120-unit, three story apartment building on 2 acres behind our quiet neighborhood street for low to moderate seniors or anyone else.

The park and a new Senior Center would fit perfectly on the 6 acre parcel. Also remember that only 4 acres were donated to the city as a remembrance of the daughter of a past mayor. The other 2 acres were bought by the city from a former resident who died and his family didn’t want the property. Also the property was never offered for sale to the public before the city purchased it.

I would also like to make it quite clear that I am glad the law suit was granted to the residents so that any future projects will hopefully allow the residents that it will affect the most can be more involved in making the project fit our neighborhood and not be an eye sore.

Thank you,

Gramp's Reply:

Thanks for adding your points. They add to the understanding of the issues.