Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Where's the $$ not Who's the Gramps

Who's the Gramps, or Grampa, or GrandpaTerrace continues to be of interest to some folk at the City Hall, Chamber of Commerce, and Blue Mountain Outlook, and their relations.

I have been informed of the latest rounds of speculations. It is Odd the time spent on this question. Why not figure out why the city has a 15 million Debt, which will cost 70 million to pay off. Where is that money being spent, and why?

I have heard Steve Berry is Gramps or even Tom Schwab, all sorts of email has tried to narrow down the likely suspects... If you are asked, are you Gramps, just say back I thought it was YOU. That is perhaps the closest anyone gets to who Gramps is. However, any attempt to get the Blog to narrow down the search for Gramps is not going to work. For those who have been accused of being Gramps, I hope you learn to respect the complement in the future. For those who post or provide information all you little gramps out there... Thanks. Nearly 8000 visits to the Blog this year... IT IS impressive work.

It has been suggested that Gramps is "Employed" to write the blog. What a joke.... IF it were about the money, there would be adds on the blog. The adds would generate income on their own. Because Gramps is faceless, Gramps is also Bankless. Go figure why or what motivates the effort... ISSUES,,, ISSUES.... ISSUES not ego, or payment.

How about finding out why there is not a General Plan, or a Specific Plan which is written in such a way that every Development needs a Special Ordinance, or Zone Change, or waiver... In order to get through the approval process.

How about finding out how to do a Real Environmental Mitigation Report.

How about reporting the results of Closed Meetings, and the Real Compensation Costs to all City Employees, elected, non elected, and contracted.

How about that?

Although this started as a singular effort of one individual, it is not so today. Contributions to the blog are made by many individuals. Most Posts are done administratively by Gramps, Email is answered by Gramps. But, What has that got to do with anything. No one gets paid for this effort.

I find it odd that the Law Firm which Employees the Mayor's Son is a Frequent reader, as are People or Persons employed by the city. WHO IS PAYING YOU TO LOOK FOR GRAMPS, OR TO READ THE BLOG ON THE CLOCK?

Who am I? Are you still asking? What is your point in knowing, or accusing someone of being Gramps, or even IF you Found Gramps, BIG DEAL what has that proven... Nothing. Nothing more than you have wasted time solving a mystery of no concern, when you should be doing things like balancing the budget, running an honorable city management, and so forth.

Who I may be... I may be any one who lives in GT, Works in GT, and that does not exclude City Employees, Contracted Employees, Vendors, or "Assumed Friends".