Monday, August 22, 2005

Developers Influance On The Local Government

From the Email In Box:

The Developers are changing the GT City Code. CBH doing so may be a violation of the IRS code giving it "Charity" status, where donations are "Tax Free".

Grand Terrace Circulation Plan, Ordinance 182 adopted 8-27-1998
to ensure: “Traffic safety especially in the vicinity of schools.”
Instead we have 120 units of apartments by the elementary school with 60 units per acre density.

Grand Terrace Circulation Plan, Ordinance 182 adopted 8-27-1998
To discourage “Infiltration in residential neighborhoods of general and truck traffic.” Instead we have Manhole Builders in R-1 neighborhoods and high density apartments by the elementary school and senior center.

Grand Terrace Circulation Plan, Ordinance 182 adopted 8-27-1998
To encourage “Amenities to Barton Road to enhance its attractiveness as the City’s primary commercial corridor, and to encourage bicycle and pedestrian modes of travel.” Instead big box stores are proposed by the elementary school, at the city entrance, obliterating local pedestrians.