Friday, August 05, 2005


Last night a special meeting was being held at 6:00pm for the selective few seniors who support the senior project. They were told that this is a wonderful opportunity for Grand Terrace Residents. They were told that the Agency hosting this development was a "non-profit agency". The city is to fund 8.4 million. The rents for 90% would be around $500 a month. Sounds great until you realize you can only have $2,000 to your name to quallify for low-income housing. That means you would be living strictly on Social Security. That also means they would have to provide adequate nursing staff to administrate medications and deal with doctors appointments. There was no mention of any of that.

When these deals are being made, why aren't the facts a matter of public record?

The Planning Commission Meeting was staged with misled seniors looking for an answer to their golden year living plans. They were invited to a meeting at 6:00pm given cookies and sodas and then told to move to the main meeting to hear a presentation.

Wouldn't it be nice if the developers weren't so manipulative?