Friday, August 12, 2005

Take A Moment to Digest the Council Meeting

Fantastic Attendance and Comments at the Council Meeting.

Off the top of my head I think the plans presented lack a key safety item, or provision.

How will the seniors evacuate a building from the 3rd floor if there is an earth quake, fire, or power outage? Is it to be assumed that "Active Seniors" can do three flights of stairs, in a panic situation?

The fences along South Portion, should be de constructed, and put in a reinforced cement retaining wall sufficient to eliminate the damage from potential sliding from the houses to the "lowered" senior center lot. In addition the "Individualized fences of the houses on Brentwood showing through the "Iron Bars" is not a visual anyone would think attractive. Perhaps a "Living" wall of flowers would be better, on top or in front of that retainer wall.

The Plumes sound like a great place to catch water for mosquitoes, I hope they aren't planning on using the local clay soil for the "Plume". Plume will equal mosquito pond.

And just how would the same senior center work on Barton Road? Combine this plan with the Stater Brothers, restaurants, Library, and Park. Now that may be attractive.

Has this city ever heard of the words:
"Request for Proposals"
"Request for Bid"
"Proposal Specifications"
"competitive Bids"

If the seniors can live in small units, so can college students, minimum wage workers at the OAC, single mothers or fathers. Why is it only the city has the right to build compact living quarters for only seniors? This is not equitable expenditure of funds for housing. This is not an equitable system of establishment of codes, or plans within our city. Precluding Individuals the rights exercised by the city is at a minimum a display of a lack of ethics. Possibly this is also a discrimination case yet to be filed as a class action suit by private developers, or individuals under the age of "Senior".

There is more, but all in all, an interesting meeting.