Saturday, August 20, 2005

Will Seniors Be Charged to Use Petta Park

Email from Reader

After reading the PE article on the city's determination to charge the sports teems for their use of Public Parks, I wonder if the residents of the Blue Mt. Senior Villa's will be charged a user's fee for taking a stroll in the proposed Susan Petta Park? Perhaps the Gate could include a tasteful collection of fees container, for fee based useage of the park. Walk 50 feet pay 50 cents.

If the city can't afford the Parks, they can't afford the City Manager and his staff. They sould cut back on the Councils Medical Coverage, and Travel. They should cut back on the airconditioning of the City Hall Except when Public Mettings are being held. Oh, and the Schwab not needing a house, it should be sold, and the funds made available to use for truly PUBLIC activities.