Thursday, September 01, 2005

Why is the City Not Providing Information on Contributions to GTDay Committee Fund, and the Real Cost of the GT Party's?

Dear Members of the Community and City Council

Council Member Jim Miller requested that the Income and Expenses of the Grand Terrace Days Event be made available to the Council, and therefor the public.

Community Members Have provided Steve Berry a Form requesting the same information.

The Response was that information requested from the city require a FOIA request to the Clerks Office.

This further indicates that the City, City Staff and perhaps this Council Does not want an Audit of the Contributions made to the Grand Terrace Day's Committee Fund, and the costs of throwing the Party's sponsored by Developers and other Businesses with issues with the City.

This is not to say that ALL contributions are suspect, however, not freely disclosing the amount contributed and how the funds are spend remove the citizens trust, and ability to provide proper citizen oversight of the government.

IS it the POLICY of this CITY to REQUIRE FOIA forms on all requests for documents? Including Audits requested by Council Members during Public Meetings?