Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Reply to Frank Roppolo in the GTCN Voice of the People

Does Grand Terrace Really Need a Self-Appointed Monitor?

Yes, and active citizenry is what will secure our right to freedom in this Democracy. We would all be better governed if we were as active and questioning of our government as Mr. Bill Hays is and has been. EACH CITIZEN should be a SELF APPOINTED CITY MONITOR.
Frank Roppolo asks "What else in Life is there for Bill Hays and "His Followers". The purpose of life, is not, nor has it been, the issue or questions, raised by Bill Hays, or any of the citizens concerned with the Governance of this Community. However, IF you want to know each of the individuals including Mr. Hays have families, are either working daily or are retired, and are folks with purposeful lives, like everyone else. So to suggest there is some deficiency of the quality of existence or life of an individual or individuals who take part of their valuable time in being concerned with their local government demonstrates either a flaw in logic, or an elitism which suggests that a ruling class should be elevated above the common man.
City Council Meetings should be attended, and should be animated with public participation. IF it was the intent to have a City Council Meeting just to read an agenda of pre approved staff recommendations, get the rubber stamp out and be done with city business on a pre-ordained time line, it is time for more than a Recall. Dictators don't have to listen to the public. Perhaps we should be called the Kingdom of Grand Terrace.
The accusations made by Mr. Hay are based on facts, provided by city documents. The City Council, City Manager, and City Attorney have either not responded or sufficiently responded to the questions or as you characterize them accusations to eliminate or resolve the issues of concern. YES it is important to have clarity in communication and it is the OBLIGATION of the City to communicate with clarity the facts of the issues and concerns.
Mr. Hays and other Citizens have a been making a positive contribution to city's management. They have raised concerns about the legality of the practices of the Planning Commission, and the Plans for the OAC, Town Center and Blue M. Villa Senior Project. IF the City Council had listened, and reworked the plan or sent it back THE PLAN would have been don better and in such a way that it would have stood the trial in a court of law. Bill Hays and the "Followers" as you refer to the group, share their concerns about the ideas being forced upon the City Council include such things as, Financial Accountability, Contract Process, Labor Negotiations, Environmental Concerns, and the business of the City.
DO you really think the public should be silenced? Hitler, Sadam, Amin, Komeni, Castro, follow this leadership and management style. Let's HOPE this is not the type of Government you desire for Grand Terrace. If use of time is such an issue for you, perhaps City Council Members should not waist time speaking about the Lions Club, trips to the Library, or what they eat at a restaurant during Council Meetings. Mr. Roppolo, what is your real agenda in making such statements?
To say Bill Hays has followers is in fact an error. There are many people, citizens of this community who are concerned with the governance of this community. Bill Hays is for now the person who can function as a hub or central point for the organization of all those people. He is providing an organizational function which is inclusive of many different groups of interested people.
His being the spokes person in presenting the Recall Notices and errands to the City Hall should not lead anyone to believe he has earned a Personal Following. No He is simply the servant of the group. A servant who runs errands, and makes contacts and appointments others are not able to accommodate.
Mr. Rank Roppolo, now that Bill Hay's Right to Exist, his purpose of Life Evaluated, perhaps you should like to make a similar personal declaration and disclosure as to your own personal human value and contribution to the community of Grand Terrace. Perhaps some one will be interested. We all recall you were interested in serving on the Planning Commission, and you were a recommend wasnt' it Council Woman Ferre? NO ONE did, nor should they have questioned your willingness to serve, as if to question your right to exist, or participate. No to be a member of the Planning Commission requires additional qualifications beyond that a JQPUBLIC/Citizen. But, it does not question your purpose of LIFE.
The Issues are the Point, Not Bill Hay's Humanity, or his Purpose of Life.
We don't need less of Bill Hays, we need MORE. When there is nothing to be concerned about, and all questions and concerns are resolved, perhaps we can move forward with a clear understanding of the communities resources, and in a collaborative effort to provide the entire community with a better place to call their town.
You sir are not forced to attend, or watch the Council Meetings, so one must ask if the Council Meetings are so disturbing to you, why do you watch, or attend? I have looked and you have not addressed a meeting, in the past year. What great inconvience have you been burdened with by Bill Hays or any other citizen speaking at City Council Meetings? What great burden has befallen you personally as a result of other citizens speaking at City Council Meetings? You will have to be more direct if it was your intent to Support Council Member Ferre's and Garcia's attempts at not facing recall. The recall is about ISSUES, and their Actions. IF you support their actions, say so and why.
Mr. Roppolo:

Mr. Hays has a purpose in life. That purpose includes watching out for the Citizens of Grand Terrace.

Mr. Hays has not been disruptive at City Council Meetings. Unlike some children who attend meetings he sits in his chair until it is his turn to speak. He speaks and then waits for the answers many times no answer is provided. He asks again and asks for it to be answered in writing. IF it is answered the answer and the question are shared with the PUBLIC. This may be an annoyance to those who feel the public does not need to know the workings of their government. BUT, it is well within the rights of Mr. Hays, and the Obligation of the Local Government.

Provide an example of a false accusation. The city is in debt, there is not a net surplus as repeatedly suggested by the Council Members and City Manager. The INCOME projections are budgets based on FUNDS from Debt, not Funds from INCOME such as Tax Revenue. This information was requested and not provided.

What Positives has been brought forth. Well for the citizen to bring forth a positive one must assume that the Council is receptive to receiving the public provided information.

When warned of the problems of OAC the Council Duly Noted the Comments went along with City Staff and were put through the expense of the Planning, Zone Changes, Land Purchases, land sales under duress of the prior property owners, the legal costs of the case. The Positive would have been listening, not just duly noting Public Comments.

It is a Positive to have the Public know the real financial status of the City.

It is a Positive to know how RDA funds are or aren’t accounted for properly, including purchases of cars for the use of the City Manager.

It is a positive when citizens attempt to organize Youth Programs for Youth between 7th and 12th grades. Is it a positive to be concerned about traffic, safety, and noise?

It is a positive, when citizens express concern about the High School, Town Center, and Senior Villa. Options and ideas were all provided and duly noted and the Staff Recommendation went forth.

Perhaps Mr. Roppolo needs new friends because I see a lot of potential positives being brought forth by the citizens of the community, and them being duly noted and disregarded by the Council which repeatedly has been guided right into court by the suggestions and recommendations of the City Staff. Perhaps the Council Meetings would be more productive, and the city would run better if Council Comments were limited to 3 minutes, and Presentations were limited to 3 minutes and Public Comments were allowed 10 minutes.

Clearly, Not Enough has been Said!