Friday, May 06, 2005

Are you Aware???

Comments and Emails:

A politician that violates the Brown Act and commits a misdemeanor in the presence of a police officer at most meeting, I might add, gets nothing more than a letter from the D.A.,or in our case a warning from a citizen The Brown Act has no teeth. It never will. It protects elected officals more than anything else. Are you aware of a company named "Manhole Builders"? They are in the process of getting the land on Vivenda st. to build a 70,000 sq. ft. factory. Del Foto is the company and the website that is going to do the building. There will be an on premise cement mixer. They actually make manholes. I wonder if the folks that live down on Vivenda, in the21000 block are aware of whats coming?..............................

The Grand Terrace Community Awarness Group meets the third Monday of every month at the Lions Community Center at seven o'clock p.m
example of why care
Megnas contracts that were signed before the council voted on the OAC. His other contract for the senior housing project signed the same day and the $280.00 an hour he gets paid.
Questions Never Ansered:
How can a Grocery Store add to Sales Tax Income for the City
What if the city had more than $10.3 million to spend!?! The answer to "why" homes must be bulldozed is because the city has to provide "services" to people, but not to retail development that creates their sales tax "cash cow" -- it's about city salaries! Public safety costs up to $109/ year and $110/year for them to "administer" that. See fiscal analysis figure 2 page 17 and pages 3&4 for why retail must provide $3274.00 in city revenue for them to mis-manage! Grand Terrace spends about $500/year per HOUSE in city services expenses, but "Applied Economic Development" results in $3,274. INCOME for EACH 1000 SF of retail development created, see graph page 4 at