Sunday, May 29, 2005

Barton Road Offramp Redesign

The Off ramp and overpass for Barton Road has received a 2,000.000 government grant for redesign and construction. Lets Hope, that the following is included.

A lane driving right into the OAC if it is ever developed.

A easy return to the Freeway from the OAC if it is ever developed.

A park and ride For Bikes, Golf Carts and Cars: with a commitment to have the RTA/OCTA bus 149 making a pick up and drop off stop so that Grand Terrace Commuters can use public transportation along the 91/215 commute to Orange County. Or have the Bus 25 Start service earlier in the morning so that GT citizens can make the connections at the MetroLink and Bus Stations down Town Riverside and San Bernardino.