Friday, May 13, 2005

School Land Sale Profits

The Grand Terrace Community Redevelopment Agency has made a significant profit from the sale of land to the Colton Joint Unified School District. This profit is now being used for activities of the City and Redevelopment agency which are not in direct support of the High School.

A High School Impact Abatement Trust Fund should be established with those funds. The earnings from that fund should be used to offset the cost of additional police hours required during football games and after hour school activities. The earnings should fund graffiti abatement in the neighborhoods immediately adjacent to the school. These funds should not be used or diverted from the impact of having a school in the town. Schools do not pay property taxes or sales tax. There will be non funded expenses that the city will have to deal with as a result of the placement of the School in Grand Terrace.

Some would rather have a power plant than a High School as a neighbor.