Saturday, May 28, 2005

Minimal Questioning for Town Center Developers

Meeting Questions:

Are the Public Comments going to result in a change of the proposed development or is this just a meeting to say the community had a meeting?

Will there be a public record of this meeting, comments, questions, commitments made?

Will this meeting be recorded by audio tape or video tape, and be made available at the library?

Are the previous property owners going to justly benefit proportionately from the profits made by the CRA and or the Developer as a result of forced or coerced sale of their property?

What plans are there to accommodate and regulate the assembly of Day Workers at the development? Is the city going to have an employment agency on site to regulate the employers, and employee contracts and actions of day workers, while maintaining the sanitary facilities and waiting place for those looking for day work?

What hours of delivery of stock will be permitted? What is the expected decibel level of noise during School or evening hours which are a result of the running of saws for special cuts of lumber?

How many trucks will be delivering and off loading merchandise, the noise and pollution caused by the trucks, and forklifts?

IF people have to be forced off their land, why not put the High School Mid Town, and the Stater's and Lowes at the edge of town, closer to High Grove in order to minimize the through town traffic during school hours, for the Elementary School, Noise for the Neighbors, and closer proximity to the Highgrove customer base. While developing a true industrial area with AES, The Lumber Yard, Rail Tracks and Possibly Manhole Builders on the South End of Town, which is adjacent to industrial zoned property in Highgrove.
The Mid Town School location would show that we have civic pride in our youth, be developed as a multiple functional asset including library, after school activity center, and fine arts center.

Or sell the property back to the prior owners, and restore them to their homes, at the same price you paid them.

Disclose all city records of land purchases, and land sales with regards to the Town Center Development. Interpret the Word "May" in the Brown act as May Not, instead of Must. As in Land negotiations May be held in closed meetings. Hence forth be interruptedd as May NOT be held in closed meetings. At the end of a meeting of any Planning commission, or CRA the decisions made should be immediately announced and not delayed for the completion of escrow or other pending approvals.
These actions may resolve the conflict with the citizens of Grand Terrace, and the property owners seeking some sort of Justice.