Thursday, October 07, 2010

Schwabastic Accounting Presented to Voters Again

Tom Schwab has a mailer. His mailer is a smeller. He says there is a 5 Million Reserve. This the voter should not deserve. The City has funds, derived from Debt. He would spend them on any thing he wants, you want to bet?

The word RESERVES suggest it is money that is just sitting in a savings account and can be spent on anything. This is far from true. The Money is a result of Debt Bond Sales, this Debt will have to be paid back. In addition the funds are limited to what they can be used for. Schwabistic Accounting and his statement are FICTIONAL ACCOUNTING and VOTERS should not trust his evaluation of our financial situation or what a great asset he would be on the City Council.

Schwab would be constantly promoting past errors as reasonable practices and a continuance of those same practices which limit our City's Financial Health. In doing so he will hurt any opportunity for services to youth, and the sustainable operations of the Senior Center, and other public and volunteer staffed services within the community of Grand Terrace.

We can't continue to live on the lies he perpetuates. The School District needs to be required to help with additional law enforcement demands due to the High School Operations.
He is not telling the public he will be an honest contractor that the horse trading days are over. He is saying he is ready to make way for more of the same type of management that he practiced while the City Manager. GT Deserves more than an educated trickster, horse trader, and hoaxer on their City Council.

Nice Family Photo Did Linda Remarry Tom? Did they sell the City Provided Home to a deserving family at cost? Or are they making a family profit from two homes in GT? Don't let him or any of his ilk and past cronies on the City Council. It is time to sever the relation ship between Schwab and the City.