Friday, October 22, 2010

Rally Well Attended:

The Rally and Greet and Meet held by Stanckiewitz, Sandoval and Robles was well attended and enjoyed by all who attended. Co-Hosts included Roger Kowalski, Robert Armenta, Pilar Tabera and Tobin Brinker. Entertainment was provided by Refreshments were provided and enjoyed by all. People from all age groups were enjoying themselves and were actively engaged in the exchange of views and opinions on issues.

Billed as a Rally against the Racially Divisive and Misleading Flier distributed last week the rally saw participation of people from all demographic strata. Neighbors, Citizens, and yes those seeking public office all meeting on a very personal human level.

The gathering was large enough to require people to park on the street leaving room for the customers of the other near by businesses. In addition it was quiet enough not to disturb the neighbors adjacent to the property. This is a great plus for a large gathering. Well done in the planning and execution.

The candidates themselves had a great opportunity to meet both supporters and people who just came to find out what it was all about. Not all people were supporters of all the candidates in attendance. It was an opportunity to stand up for Civil Relationships and Conduct, and meet the candidates people may not have known prior to the event.

Well done, a true, come as you are, who ever you are public meeting. This is how we should engage in a civil community. We should not have a dread when we engage in conversation, or a fear of some sort of reprisal at some future time, or feel belittled or insignificant due to a lack of social status measured by some arbitrary assignment of status. People at the rally were just people. That is how it should be. Let's hope the essence of that rally permeate the community.

Thank you for holding the public event.