Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Here is the Mailer Everyone is Talking About.

Some folks asked for a larger posting of the mailer, and related poster regarding Bea Cortes. Well here it is folks. The content of both are protected free political speech so keep your ear to the ground if anyone says other wise they are WRONG.
Print your own poster or car window sign for your back window... Let Bea Cortes know how you feel about her actions as a Council Person and her use of her power and political connections.
If Bea Cortes would like to justify her actions relating to the Miller Arrest, or the Restraining Order against a citizen who did not like her actions taken on the council, and who's rejection made Bea Cortes cry... she or her representative is free to send an email to GrandTerraceNews@yahoo.com and their email will be posted.